View Full Version : Public speaking coming up.. Help!

30-01-13, 23:20
In 2 weeks I have to do an oral presentation in front of about 40 people and obviously I'm absolutely terrified - even just thinking about it makes me panic. It's completely unavoidable, I have to do it, but I don't know if I can without having a panic attack. It's my worst nightmare, being on a stage talking with everyone staring at me. If anyone else has experience with this I'd love some advice - specifically related to public speaking anxiety please! Thanks :)

Vanilla Sky
31-01-13, 11:44
I hate public speaking , the majority of people do so you are not alone in that . First of all KNOW what you are talking about . Practice it and practice it untill you know exactly what you are going to say . Speak in front of close friends or family ask them to give you constructive criticisim about your speech.

When you do speak do not look around at everyone in the room look past them unless you find someone or a few people to focus on. Once you start the nerves will soon go because you will be concentrating on what you are saying.

Every night before you go to sleep tell yourself that you are going to do the speech with ease and it is going to be all right. See your self up there confident and see other people wishing they could do what you are doing . Your speech has no room for anxiety , calm breaths , you wont have a panic attack because you will be focused

Good luck , post back and let us know how you got on xx

31-01-13, 15:17
You will be ok i am sure. My yougest daughter studied Psychology, and now teaches. We are so proud of her. When she was little she was so quiet and
shy, and she excelled at school.
I think she wanted to do better because she had a goal because she saw how
poor we were when she was growing up.
Think of what you are going to achieve saware,and put everything at the back
of your mind and you will be fine.

31-01-13, 18:51
Very sound advice from Vanilla Sky.Most people are terrified of Public speaking and you do need some anxiety to give of your best. I'm sure you'll be OK on the day especially if you know your subject and have your presentation written out in full and have read it out loud to someone else or in front of the mirror several times. On the day a Bach's Rescue Remedy spray may help to take the edge off your nerves- even just having it in your pocket just in case-it works for me
Best of Iuck