View Full Version : Went with my daughter to the hospital

Granny Primark
31-01-13, 03:38
Yesterday my daughter had an hospital appointment and wanted me to go with her.
Thats no big deal I know. But I waited in the waiting room on my own for well over an hour panicking like mad.
Thankfully Ive got a very special nmp friend celticlass that I kept txting.

When shed finished she had to go to work so I had to get 2 buses to get home.
I tell her that I was nervous but I was shaking like a leaf.
I got home and burst in tears, tears of relief.
Its no big deal to people I know but thats the first time ive done that in over a year.

Thank you celticlass and thank you to my fb friends some of which come on here.

31-01-13, 04:22
Hi Lynn
:hugs:coming your way and well done, you should be
so proud of yourself.
Do you have trouble sleeping, like myself up at this hour of the night

Granny Primark
31-01-13, 07:22
Yes I do manda
Because of my hubbys work and him bring me a cup of tea at 4am at 3.30am im wide awake.
My hubby says stop moaning and lie on the edge of the bed cus il soon drop off!!!

31-01-13, 15:37
Well done my friend, Now listen Lynn, You have done something you
never thought you could do.Go on the bus. SO when the weather improves could we meet up
in Hanley MC donalds?:hugs: xxxx Snap for the sleeping thing
Lots Love

31-01-13, 15:40
Well done Lynn :) xx

31-01-13, 18:14
Oh wow go you!
I get soo panicky when waiting even a few minutes in the waiting room at my doctors office, so a whole hour is great :)
Aw you took 2 buses despite the anxiety, that's awesome you did that.
It's sweet you went with your daughter despite knowing you might get anxious.

31-01-13, 21:50
Lynn what you did was brilliant:yesyes:

I may not seem a lot to some people but I think most of us here know exactly what that must have took for you to do it and you did great :yahoo:

I'm nowhere near to the point that I'd be able to get on a bus, let alone 2!!!

I think you're amazing and no I'm not just saying that, I truly do, cos I know how very hard I would find doing something like that on my own.

What an achievement Lynn, it doesn't matter 2 jots that you broke down crying when you got home, YOU DID IT LYNN BE PROUD HUN :)

Granny Primark
01-02-13, 08:26
thank you my nmp friends.:hugs:
And yes magic we should meet up again. It would be brill to sit and have a coffee with you.
We are planning our next Liverpool trip your more than welcome to come with us.
My hubby cant go Liverpool without having half a lsger in the cavern. Saddo him!!!

01-02-13, 09:38
Thank You Granny. Won't be going to Liverpool this year.
Just depends on whats happening here but thank you all the same.
The farthest I will go is Newcastle or Hanley.
Lots Love xx

01-02-13, 15:20
you did very well my dear friend,
i am always here for you at anytime of the day and night,
you are very special to me and my family,
i love talking to you everyday my dear friend to make sure you are okay, thank you for helping me get through the last few weeks , you are a star granny
lots ad lots of love to my friend granny
celticlass xxxxxxx :hugs::hugs: