View Full Version : will it end

03-09-06, 19:05
Does anybody ever feel like they are getting better, then something else always comes along and brings you back down again. I am new to this site, so I guess i am not the only one, after reading everybody's problems. Just that it feels like it.

03-09-06, 19:43
Thats exactly how i get a symotom ends and another begins. This site will help. Welcome.

03-09-06, 20:29
Hi smithjam

it sometimes happens to me and probably many others too. We have to recognise that recovery takes time and patience and won't all be plain sailing. Keep looking to the future and you'll eventually get there.

03-09-06, 20:40
Hi Smithjam and welcome.

I put a very similar post in Panic Attack section today. We all seem to have setbacks now and again. I'm not sure how to reassure you on that one. But at least coming here means you can get friendly advice and support.


polly daydream
03-09-06, 21:53
Hi Smithjam and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


03-09-06, 22:21
Hi Smithjam,
I very often feel like that I even start to get scared of having a reasonably good day because I think that there is always something bound to follow that will bring me back down. Yet I do have a hazy recollection of a time that I did not feel this way. This is where I hope to get again"normal" whatever that is! I hope that you have a better day tomorrow, try to focus on the positive things in your day no matter how small they might be!

Thinking of you

04-09-06, 09:26
Hi Smithjam and welcome!

Recovery can take quite a long time and there are peaks and valleys. When you are in a deep valley, just remember that on the other side is a peak. And, one day, with the right treatment for you, you will find that the valleys are just minor bumps in the road.

Best wishes,


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

04-09-06, 14:17
I thought that I had figured out my problems and I was on my way to being the old me. Yesterday I was told something, that has brought me back down and the stuff I worked out may be wrong. I don't want to go into details, as I have told my friends and they all have very different views and ideas and sometimes that can be frustrating. It is something that will always be there and I need to find away to live and cope with it. I would like to use this website, for when I feel down, I can type away and be reasured (spelt wrong i think). I would like to thank everybody who has sent replys.


04-09-06, 14:21
Whatever it is someone will always listen.
Take care.


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

04-09-06, 14:33
Hi Smithjam,

Recovery takes time, time to process time to reflect, there are good days and bad days sometimes you will feel that you have taken one step forward and two steps back! But on a good day everything will seem more positive! You need to unload when you are having a bad day it will help to stop your feelings, thoughts and emotions escalating! Believe me we all have bad days when we need someone to listen!


04-09-06, 21:51
hey smithjam,
i feel like i am so impatient wanting this all to end...i go for 2 weeks then whack i'm back to square 1...it's tough but i truly believe there's light at the end of the tunnel..however long it may be.
all the best.

05-09-06, 18:21
i have the same with my symptoms. especially when i found out something that hurt me deeply and i couldnt do anything about it and have to live with it, it took a long time but eventually i accepted it and am coping ok


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

05-09-06, 18:39
Hey there,

I have managed to go through a patch where i thought 'oh my god, i'm happy,i don't feel down and i don't feel anxious' the next thing you know "bang" anxiety creeps in, bad thoughts come in and my blood feels like it is on fire and i can feel panic attacks trying to come through. It comes out of the blue mostly when i am stressed out. I always ask 'why me' couldn't i have had something else but this. I find it hard because it isn't something you can see and put a plaster or cream on or look at and examine which makes you feel like you are mad. I wonder if it will every end too - some people say they are cured and haven't had panic attacks again but eveytime i think i have over come it it kicks me up the bum again.
I always say though that although i don't feel it i think it makes you stronger, if you get through a bad spell and get through to the other end then that's progress and something to feel proud of, it is just the dread of another spell that is always in the back of my mind.

06-09-06, 19:43
Hi Kitty,

I understand your feelings about thinking it has ended then finishing that it hasn't, because I used to have the same thing happen - a few weeks of remission then back to the same old. It was only a few months ago I realised that my expectation that it would be back was actually bringing it back. Now over six months later I know it won't be back, in this lifetime at least, since there is no room for it anymore, I have too much else going on, and it is really difficult to explain but it's like being a teenager, you know you will never be one again but occasionally you get memories of what it was like to be one.


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

06-09-06, 20:26
Hey Alicia/all,

You are quite right. I am quite a strong person but you know sometimes when you get so sick of the same old thing creeping in and trying to swallow you - i feel so tired to try fight it but i know i have to. I find the symptoms i.e. irritability, anger, withdrawl very hard to deal with as i take it out on those close to me. Then i start having the thoughts that 'why am i acting like this with those i love'? 'Don't i like or love them anymore because i feel withdrawn and unsociable'? Then i start to panic because i'm not feeling myself and then the cycle starts. Once the symptoms wear off i start feeling back to normal and the panic stops. Happy, funny, sociable etc. I hate having that feeling of wanting to curl up and shut myself off. I have noticed a pattern tho......when i am going through times of stress with work, holidays, family events - you know the normal high stress sort of things then i find the tail end of it results in attacks and high anxiety. Making relaxation etc is something i need to incorporate into my lifestyle so that when the attacks come i can handle the stress better and hopefully stear clear of the anxiety.
Always feel like i'm on a rollercoaster.

07-09-06, 08:07
I think we all go into survival mode when we have a PA, and that involves curling up in a dark place where no one can see. At that time we temporarily abandon normal feelings about those we love, but no-one should beat themselves up about this - it is the result of an overproduction of adrenaline and cortisol over which we have no control (until we go and get it!).

My own PA triggers were stress, caffeine and over tiredness, but there was never a specific trigger I could find until I used my CDs and then it all became clear to me. Get the free ebook, Kitty, you should find it very helpful, as I did. Yoga can also be useful, but when I tried it I ended up with a strained ligament [Duh!]so that put me off a little!


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

07-09-06, 10:12
I'm exactly the same too. I might start to feel a bit better and then I'm back down again. I get a grip of one symptom and another one comes along. I've had this for 4 years now and I never, ever thought that it would last that long. I've always tried to put a time limit on it "I'll be better by next year" and you just can't do that. With me, I think, because I've stuck with a job that I hate for so long, whenever I start to feel better the place drags me down again. In the past, whenever I've not enjoyed doing something I've moved on, but i feel like I have to stay where I am at the moment because I can't afford to leave my job.

It's a classic symptom of depression to have little hope for the future and that's why we find it so hard to imagine a time when we're better, but the thing to remember is that depression doesn't last forever and that it is only a trick of the mind.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.