View Full Version : freaking out

31-01-13, 08:17
So last night my friend e mailed me an article saying SSRI's citalopram and cipralex have a small chance of causing heart problems - qt syndrome. Great.. am now freaking out. been on 10 mg of cipralex for 5 years and i do get palpitations.
I want to come off now!!

31-01-13, 18:41
Before i went on Cipralex, once in awhile i got slight heart palpitations. Now that I am on Cipralex, i still once in awhile get slight heart palpitations. Its the exact same before and after. Its much better then being without cipralex and going through a mass panic attack where your heart is beating so hard you think you are about to have some kind of coronary.

Heart palpitations happen to mostly everybody and are usually nothing to worry about.


31-01-13, 19:33
Here is the article on the BBC News website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21247330

The maximum dose was already reduced last year, and as you're only on 10mg you shouldn't have anything to worry about. The article says not to stop your medication without speaking to your doctor. If you are really concerned, speak to your doctor and they may consider switching you to something else if they feel it's necessary.

02-02-13, 09:22
My last doctor told me there was a risk with Citalopram now but only at the very high doses which I was actually on last time I took it for 3 years but I knwo I am totally fine as I had a full health check last summer so as I am on only 10mg's of Cipralex it doesn't bother me at all as I know my new gp would never put me on anything dangerous (:

03-02-13, 20:13
Thanks hun - how do you find cipralex compared to citalopram