View Full Version : exessive sweating anyone

03-09-06, 19:55
hi guys,,

over the past few months i have noticed i have been sweating alot more i know its been hot lately but even now my feet sweat caused me to get athletes foot and also private areass of my body sweat rash???
could this be down to anxiety or something more sinister??



better to fight for something than to live for nothing

03-09-06, 20:08
sweating could be anything im guessing. But i have found that its been quite humid up here in the north. especially at night. and the weather is picking up, we have that lovely indian summer to look forward to this september {ohhh yeah great! *thats sarcasm btw!*}
Becci x

04-09-06, 03:46
I have really bad sweats too even when its not that hot. We can thank our good friend panic for that. When i have a panic moment i get a clammy sweat all over, and all i can say is dont let it worry you and the good news is WINTERS on the way!!


04-09-06, 07:54
Sweating is a normal bodily reaction and is designed to reduce the body temperature.
As the body heats up, sweat is released through the sweat glands.
As the sweat evaporates it takes heat with it, cooling the body.

During periods of anxiety the body is preparing itself for either flight or fight and releases sweat to cool impending exertions.

As the anxiety subsides, sweat levels return to normal.

04-09-06, 08:10
Sweating is a normal bodily reaction and is designed to reduce the body temperature.
As the body heats up, sweat is released through the sweat glands.
As the sweat evaporates it takes heat with it, cooling the body.

During periods of anxiety the body is preparing itself for either flight or fight and releases sweat to cool impending exertions.

As the anxiety subsides, sweat levels return to normal.