View Full Version : What does this sound like to you?

31-01-13, 17:49
The right side of my head is a pressure feeling (temple area) and it's effecting my ear and the right side of my face, it's just like it feels blocked, and my face I can't really describe it.. just feels like it's swollen but it's not and my right eye is slightly watery please shed some light on this

Thank you.

31-01-13, 19:34
Hi RVP. It could be a couple of things to be honest with you. Sometimes it can be a headache or migrain that presents itself with these sorts of symptoms so that could be a possibility. Other things that it could be could be to do with the sinuses, or even a tooth! Could even be a trapped nerve? I am sorry I can not be more exact, but these are the more likely things that it could be, my husband has suffered from the same sort of thing, and it turned out to be tooth related even though there was no pain in the tooth. Give it a couple of days and if no improvement perhaps a trip to the GP as they may be able to suggest something to help with it.

31-01-13, 21:34
Thanks very much for you reply.

I'm hoping it is something like that and nothing serious i.e tumor :(
It's been doing my head in, and it's not the first time I've got it, it comes and goes which worries me even more.
And when no one replies or can relates to the symptoms I'm having will just heighten my anxiety even more.

31-01-13, 21:54
Hi Rvp,
I'v had the same problems for about 5 weeks now, I went to my gp and was told my eardrums were very red, angry and dry, I was given antibiotics for 7 days and sudafed for 3 days, it felt no better so I seen another of the gp's from the surgery and was told the infection was gone but he could tell my ear was still blocked so he put me on a 10 day course of sudafed, my ear is still feeling as bad, it feels like its cracking if I yawn or belch and I get alot of ringing and buzzing init, im so fed up of going to see my gp tho cause they just look at the screen see that one of the other gp's have said I have health anxiety and just put everything down to that, I hope you get yours sorted tho, take care :)

Daisy Sue
31-01-13, 21:57
it sounds like a nerve path thing to me... i've had headaches for over 2 years, have driven my gp potty over them, been for cranial osteopathy, had various meds for it - the only thing i haven't had is the MRI which was booked but i chickened out.

all the doctors were convinced it was nothing serious, and diagnosed a neuralgia, which i looked up on google.. i had all the symptoms, including what you describe... a one-sided condition which not only caused the head pain, but also pulling sensations, creepy feelings, pressure in my head, ear, jaw, nostril, eye watering and aching.. really weird and a bit scary until i made myself believe it was this condition, and nothing more. the evidence was staring at me on my pc screen, so i felt i had to believe it, and take reassurance from it..

maybe it's something similar with you?

31-01-13, 22:27
It could be, I've spoken to my GP and she's booked me in on Wednesday.
She knows I have health anxiety, and infact she was the one who told me I have it lol. She's very understanding and whilst I was explaining my syptoms to her she asked me if I have eye twitching, and of course I get that too!
So she said she will check me out on wednesday and check out my eyes.
Hopefully it'll be sinus or something and nothing serious.

01-02-13, 19:19
My ear feels like it's blocked too, and aches now and again I'm wondering if it could be an ear problem considering I have been having Tinnitus too.
The pressure is less than what it was 2 days ago *touch wood*

01-02-13, 20:07
I've been having similar problems and I've just come down with a cold lol..... the pressure builds up in my eyes until thay water and my ears have been feeling really weirdly blocked, as for the headaches i got them in all sorts of places before because of stress, my temples, forehead and even the sides of my head... and your sinuses are pretty sensitive to cold weather and anxiety...i had it all around my nose and forehead, my eyes too...but it can often lead into a dull headache if you worry about it like me!

i woudent worry too much :) you can get lem sip and stuff to releave the symptoms if it is just that, hope this helps!

01-02-13, 20:50
Grace :)

I never take paracetamol, ever..
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong, and the pressure does seem the more I focus on it the tighter and tighter it's getting on the side of my head.

Just taken Iburprofen, if the headache doesn't go, then it's clearly stress related OR something else which I'm not going to think of.. lol but stress.

01-02-13, 21:10
I've been having the exact same for two weeks I'm trying to ignore it as best I can but bit fed up with it now xx

01-02-13, 21:21
yeah i don't take parecetomol or anything..im not good with tablets! if it is your sinuses or stress.. i find rubbing where it hurts lightly in little circles helps...but mines usually anxiety related :) so taking your mind off it might help