View Full Version : Severe Panic Attack-Never had one like this before! Going crazy

31-01-13, 17:50
This bump on my chest below the collarbone has been growing and i am freaking out. Apparently chest x rays dont spot things like tumours. and theres nothing broken on my bones, so what else could it be? I am going crazy. Some guy with nearly exact area has the same thing and was diagnosed with some tumour and now i'm going out of my mind. I haven't been sleeping well so i feel like I'm in my final days. I am going to go urgently pay for a ct scan or mri.

I am going out of my mind, never thought i'd have a severe panic attack like this, going crazy.

FMLLL if this is what i think it is.

31-01-13, 17:52
Come on honey it's ok.

Who on earth told you that chest x rays don't spot "things like tumours"? That is complete and utter poppycock.

31-01-13, 18:06
Katesa is right, the xray would have shown a tumour, please try to calm yourself down, it is nothing serious.

31-01-13, 18:06
This bump on my chest below the collarbone has been growing and i am freaking out. Apparently chest x rays dont spot things like tumours. and theres nothing broken on my bones, so what else could it be? I am going crazy. Some guy with nearly exact area has the same thing and was diagnosed with some tumour and now i'm going out of my mind. I haven't been sleeping well so i feel like I'm in my final days. I am going to go urgently pay for a ct scan or mri.

I am going out of my mind, never thought i'd have a severe panic attack like this, going crazy.

FMLLL if this is what i think it is.

I have the same bump! I posted a lot about this last year. It is a weird lump that started growing and then began to hurt. I had a chest x ray which showed nothing then I had an ultrasound which did show the lump and it was inflammation. I had assumed like you it was going to be a tumour, or a cancer that had spread to my collar bone, but it turned out to be neither.
Apparently you can get random inflammation like this and it is completely harmless.

31-01-13, 18:50
I have the same bump! I posted a lot about this last year. It is a weird lump that started growing and then began to hurt. I had a chest x ray which showed nothing then I had an ultrasound which did show the lump and it was inflammation. I had assumed like you it was going to be a tumour, or a cancer that had spread to my collar bone, but it turned out to be neither.
Apparently you can get random inflammation like this and it is completely harmless.

What did you do or take/Antibiotics/Ibuprofen? i am freaking out. Did the bump go down eventually? Mine just doesn't feel like inflammation.

Doctor seems to think its just a body abnormality which is bullshit because I have never had it and I noticed it in september, which is freaking me out.

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

Katesa is right, the xray would have shown a tumour, please try to calm yourself down, it is nothing serious.

X-rays do not show abornmalities such as that, it is more of a ct scans job. I have done thorough research on the area, and have looked at many sources. There is no way i'm going to be able to stay calm. I want to catch this early and it's already been a few months.

31-01-13, 18:55
I took ibuprofen and used to put warm flannels and stuff on it to help. I am not saying yours is the same thing, but I wanted to reassure you that not all lumps are tumours. Mine went down a bit but I still have it .
I do not think about it now and the pain has started to fade.
Please try not to worry too much I doubt very much it is anything sinister.

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Sorry but does your GP think further tests are necessary?

31-01-13, 19:06
What did you do or take/Antibiotics/Ibuprofen? i am freaking out. Did the bump go down eventually? Mine just doesn't feel like inflammation.

Doctor seems to think its just a body abnormality which is bullshit because I have never had it and I noticed it in september, which is freaking me out.

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

X-rays do not show abornmalities such as that, it is more of a ct scans job. I have done thorough research on the area, and have looked at many sources. There is no way i'm going to be able to stay calm. I want to catch this early and it's already been a few months.

I have a friend who is a NHS radiologist at the LRI and when I was freaking out that my husband may have lung cancer, he assured me that X-rays absolutely DO detect tumours. They are only limited with visibility when less than 1cm big but even then a half decent radiologist will spot other markers of a tumour such as shadowing or fluid.

Did you research this on doctor google by any chance?

31-01-13, 19:15
MY GP has me labelled as hypchrondiac now and thinks its just an abnormality, I don't even see the point with life, depression has hit its tole, I was all positive now what's the point. Age 20, who would have thought it. Even if my gp would have thought that further testing is needed, it would take too long. He's told me to start citapolram and is not worried about my health.

I asked him how I would know if it was a tumour, and he basically suggested that because of its position I would be coughing and it would have gone to my lungs, which insinuates that there's a basis on waiting till its at stage 4 or something stupid.

I am going to go get an mri done and a biopsy immediately. Was going to get a CT scan done but then heard about all the radiation that it's 100x worse than a X-ray. So might just wait since even if i do have it, I'm in the early stages, i hope. Even though its been 5 months now.

Isn't life fun? Now i can see why people commit suicide. But the amount of courage that is needed for that, is above my limit.

31-01-13, 19:20
You would have other symptoms if it was lung cancer, coughing is actually one of the FIRST symptoms.

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

Your doctor is correct about the position of it also causing coughing

31-01-13, 19:27
Hi Footballking, I am sorry that you feel so worried about all of this, and wish that there was something that I could say to alleviate some of your concerns.

The term your doctors used "hypocondriac" I can not begin to put into words how much I hate that term as I am sure you do too. Health Anxiety is a very real thing and unique to each and everyone of us, although we share the title of Health Anxiety and worry excessively about different things it is still a very personal issue.

The XRAY can show a tumour, the fact that nothing showed on the x-ray is a very good thing, though at the moment I understand you not feeling that way as you are so worried that it is something sinister. Sometimes the need and desire to completely rule something out just has to be followed through for your own peace of mind, but I wanted to say that if the Doctor did suspect anything nasty they would do an instant referral for you to be seen within 2 weeks with a specialist.

I hope that you can get some answers that help you, life is so important, you are young and have a great deal of life ahead of you, I hope that you can overcome any anxiety and depression that you have so that you can embrace your life totally.

Again please try hard not to worry too much, I am sure you will be ok.

31-01-13, 19:34
Have you started to take the citaloprine? It may help to ease your anxiety a little. I know it is really hard when you are so worried and panicking but please believe us and your doctor that it is nothing sinister. My own son is just a little older than you and has worried about little bumps and lumps before thinking they may be something bad. I think it is an age where maybe you notice more what you may think as 'defects' or something sinister. I really do feel for you going through this at such a young age but think that you should take the meds your doctor suggested and maybe ask about CBT?

31-01-13, 19:43
Hi Footballking, I am sorry that you feel so worried about all of this, and wish that there was something that I could say to alleviate some of your concerns.

The term your doctors used "hypocondriac" I can not begin to put into words how much I hate that term as I am sure you do too. Health Anxiety is a very real thing and unique to each and everyone of us, although we share the title of Health Anxiety and worry excessively about different things it is still a very personal issue.

The XRAY can show a tumour, the fact that nothing showed on the x-ray is a very good thing, though at the moment I understand you not feeling that way as you are so worried that it is something sinister. Sometimes the need and desire to completely rule something out just has to be followed through for your own peace of mind, but I wanted to say that if the Doctor did suspect anything nasty they would do an instant referral for you to be seen within 2 weeks with a specialist.

I hope that you can get some answers that help you, life is so important, you are young and have a great deal of life ahead of you, I hope that you can overcome any anxiety and depression that you have so that you can embrace your life totally.

Again please try hard not to worry too much, I am sure you will be ok.

The more I read about doctors of the past and current doctors stating that nutrition and positivity and physical health is the only way to cure anything the more I get angry at the difference in what we've been taught as soon as we learnt to read. The funny thing about most of these doctors is that they all seemed to live a long time. 70-90 years.

I feel like we are fed bullshit, and I know that most of you don't believe in nature, but we are born on this planet, we are nature therefore there are reasons why natural stuff works and exercise works and positivity works.

All I'm trying to say is I hate myself for taking a valium pill earlier today but I felt like I couldn't calm down. That is possibly the last time I take one and whatever happens happens.

I wish i had a mentor.

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

You would have other symptoms if it was lung cancer, coughing is actually one of the FIRST symptoms.

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

Your doctor is correct about the position of it also causing coughing

I'm not worried about lung cancer. I am worried about this lump which if continues it could cause lung cancer as it develops. but worrying does not solve the problem. All it does is makes me angry and stressed. So I am going to go for a run and eat a lot of fruit and hope for the best.

31-01-13, 19:52
hi footballking, dont feel bad for taking a valium. sometimes we just need a bit of extra help. I take valium as and when needed and did feel a bit weak at first but now I know they help and i need all the help i can get to beat this.

31-01-13, 19:55
I feel like we are fed bullshit, and I know that most of you don't believe in nature, but we are born on this planet, we are nature therefore there are reasons why natural stuff works and exercise works and positivity works

I agree with you that natural things work too, without the reliance of medication. As I am sure others agree too. Positive thinking, and especially exercise are great ways to help with anxiety/stress/depression. However sometimes people need that extra bit of help with medication. I am not saying that you do, as I do not know you, but clearly the doctor thought that it would be of benefit to you, if you disagree and want to try a more natural approach that is entirely your perogative.

As for the lump that is concerning you, perhaps what you suggested in regards to a biopsy would help to clear your mind of worrying.

I would like to say that taking medication does not make anybody a weak person and is nothing to be ashamed of at all. So please do not feel bad in yourself for taking one, however the choice to continue with them is entirely up to you.

31-01-13, 20:21
hi footballking, dont feel bad for taking a valium. sometimes we just need a bit of extra help. I take valium as and when needed and did feel a bit weak at first but now I know they help and i need all the help i can get to beat this.

I feel like it makes me worse. I was fine apart from the panic attack. and now i have a headache and feel like I'm just messed up and i only took a small dose.

31-01-13, 20:40
Well you can only do what you feel is right for you but you just shouldn't feel bad for needing medication.

31-01-13, 23:21
hmmm why not just get a fine needle biopsy, ct scans expose you to high doses of radiation which increase your risk of getting cancer.
a biopsy would detect cancer cells.
Try a new doctor for a 2nd opinion. what did your doctor say the lump is?

01-02-13, 00:15
hmmm why not just get a fine needle biopsy, ct scans expose you to high doses of radiation which increase your risk of getting cancer.
a biopsy would detect cancer cells.
Try a new doctor for a 2nd opinion. what did your doctor say the lump is?

I've seen 4 doctors, 1 dermatologist.

4 doctors
1 told me it looks like fat around the rib bone
1 told me it looks inflamed and to try 4-6 weeks on ibuprofen another told me 10 days on ibrupofen.
Dermatoligist told me it looks like its to do with the bone and not skin cancer without any sort of tests.
my current GP seems to think its an abnormality of the bone, that's always been there (which is not true) I have had a look at previous pictures.

Bump hurts when i poke it hard. Can't remember damaging it, apart from doctors poking at it, when i had chest pains, to determine whether it was constochindritis which could well be.

Got an x ray- apparently x ray is normal. which suggests nothing to do with the bone.

The only thing that can show anything is a ct scan or mri.

I'm going to get an mri scan at a private hospital, otherwise I will go crazy waiting.

Daisy Sue
01-02-13, 01:28
hi Footballking.. i actually agree with you going for a quick private either consultation or test, as the fear is clearly more than you can deal with, and you need real reassurance..

however, as others have said, i don't think it's anything to worry about, you don't have any signs of you being seriously ill, 5 medical people have looked at it, prodded it, and not one of them has reacted in a concerned manner, nor recommended further investigation, nor given any hint that this may be cancerous.. and you've had a clear xray result...

logically yes, one overtired or slack doctor can miss something, but 5? i very much doubt it.

i think there is a lot of evidence there that it is completely safe for you to calm down, and no evidence that it's something scary.

but i know what i'm like, there are times when i've had scans which i'm sure have been done to reassure me more than anything, and if you feel you can't fully put this fear aside without a scan, then go for it.

01-02-13, 04:02
I knew someone who 'grew' fatty tumors which were weird semi-squishy bumps. He had a few in his legs and on his back. Not dangerous, they were benign. I have one on my leg, its about the size of a quarter..