View Full Version : Another New Kid

01-02-13, 03:34
Hello all,

I stumbled across this page by accident (thankfully!) in the middle of a panic attack, and researching lung infections.

I joined up, hoping that it might bring me into orbit with some people who struggle with the same things I do, and maybe some insight. So! A bit about me!
I'm a 25 year old Canuck (gal) who has been misdiagnosed Bipolar 3 for several years. Wait no, backup a bit.
I was diagnosed as a young teen (14) with Major Depression, and mild OCD (thought cycles only, minor rituals, but nothing causing undue harm) and Severe Anxiety.
At the time, I was overcoming abuse and struggling with the decision to take/not take medication for any of my ailments. I went through 4 years of Positive Therapy, was pronounced Fit, and went on my merry way for a while. Fast forward several years and I'm in my early 20s, visiting my doctor regularly for mood swings. They went ahead and called it Bipolar, but changed none of my treatment plans. Another few years, and I'm 25, having major panic attacks daily (2 - 6 / day) and have left my job because I'm unable to function fully.
THe doctor I'm currently seeing has scrapped the Bipolar, and replaced it with PTSD, and my anxiety going untreated for practically my entire life.
I was taking a PRN sedative for panic attacks, and a daily SSRI to control mood, but now am taking neither.
My doctors are also questioning Fibromyalgia, because I seem to have some symptoms, and my mother and grandmother both suffer from it.

Too long? Quick breakdown

severe anxiety that manifests as health/sickness obsesssions
low self esteem
major depressive
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
not currently medicated

I don't think I forgot anything massively important.

I'm also a real person, have a pet, live with my boyfriend, and love to read.
Soory for the heinous length, hope I didn't bore anyone to tears!

01-02-13, 03:45
Hi Lena

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-02-13, 06:18
Hi welcome to NMP :welcome:

01-02-13, 09:43
Welcome Lena :)

01-02-13, 10:15
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


01-02-13, 17:46