View Full Version : January going into Feb

oh no_1
01-02-13, 07:17
Has anyone else had like the wost Jan ever?
Jan isnt a good month in general..... start to new year... awful weather, skint from xmas etc etc.

I been through hell before xmas and even more so in Jan...

and got to think positive that things will get better... new month.... things getting bit better slowly.....

although got few memories in feb of death annversaries (which going to remember in a good way)......going to have nice things to look forward to in feb..... leeds meet on here, going out for tea (yes me!!) with my friend for valentines as we both single but celebrate that, she said she got me a prezzie for been her best friend.
so yeh im thinking feb going to better
would love to hear your feedback, comments, your views on your jan and outlook for feb?

Granny Primark
01-02-13, 08:42
I have always thought that january and february are terrible .
Just get over them 2 months and weve got daffodils,easter eggs and light nights to look forward to.

01-02-13, 08:53
Statistically mid January is a low point for many who have spent or over spent for Xmas and their credit card statements come flooding in.

Not now, but when younger having a birthday in mid January always sucks as I used to feel one got a gesture of a present usually a Sale item :) as all the goodies had been given to me at Xmas.

02-02-13, 01:58
I'm like Granny, I hate January and February.....I even call them "nothing Months" because, even though my Birthday is in January, nothing ever nice happens in those 2 months for me.

I'm a Summer person anyway, I like to be outside, I love all the pretty flowers, the sounds of bird song and all the other beautiful things that occur in Spring and Summer:D

To keep myself going, I'm already planning my garden and getting prepared, I so just can't wait for March 1st to arrive :D

ricardo is right too in that everybody's got credit card bills in and also usually fuel bills too like gas and electric. The credit card bit doesn't effect me as I just will not ever take out credit for Christmas, it's just something I've never done and never will, but I've already had to pay the electric bill and the gas bill's on it's way, with only a couple of weeks in between :huh:

Still we've got just February to get through, then all the nice things in life start to happen, it's always been the little things in life that I love, nature, plants, the beach and all the rest :D

ricardo......I know that you're not going to tell us of the lovely weather that you're having.........you wouldn't........would you :winks:

02-02-13, 02:02
Feb is definately a new month, and every single day is a new day. The past is the past, good or bad - but the future? Well, that's just exciting - we have so much to come in the near future - anything could happen. And that anything can be the greatest thing ever. Lets look forward to a new day/new month, rather than fear it or fear that it will never get better because - things will get better - it just takes time.

oh no_1
10-02-13, 07:37
was hoping it would/was getting a little better and for last week i been beside myself :(