View Full Version : Petrified of doctors appointment

01-02-13, 08:49
Hi all for the last week I've been feeling like I have trapped wind in my oesophagus, if I burp it clears it but only for a second or 2 the only relief is when I eat but then it comes back again, ive tried gaviscone and windeze nothing seems to shift it sometimes I feel like I'm being choked. Im worried about oesophagus or thyroid cancer I'm 33 old and feel as I'm getting older I'm more at risk. I've got an appointment today at 4.30 but I'm a little embarrassed as I was only there 3 weeks ago and then a week before that. I'm petrified he's gonna send me for cameras down my throat but I know he probably will, I'm so scared x

01-02-13, 10:30
I had this just (and regurgiating food) before Christmas and was diagnosed with GERD, I was put on omezaprole and both symptoms disappeared within 2-3 days. I never had acid, so your GP might suggest that. Also that feeling alone can be purely psychological, especially if it worsens as the day goes on. There is plenty on this site about it.

Look up Cricopharyngeal spasm, good description in Wikipedia (not kidding!). If you can still swallow food then it is nothing to worry about and it will go away when you're lax and forget about it. I only hav to think about it and mine starts to tighten and it can be with me all day but it is always gone in the morning.

Hope your doctor puts your mind at rest.

01-02-13, 10:40
Twinsmummy took the words right out of my mouth. My husband suffered the exact same thing as you described going back some 10 years ago now. It turned out it was GERD and he has Omeprazole now to control it.

Also yeasty things can trigger it, such as white bread, pasta. Please try not to worry, perhaps start a food diary too and see which things trigger it in particular.

I am certain the doctor will put your mind at east, so please try to stop worrying.

01-02-13, 11:01
Thanks so much both, and your right that is a perfect description I'm Wikipedia, I'll go along see what he says in a wierd way I'd like him to refer me but I know I'll freak put if he does so he really is on a non winner before he starts, I'm also afraid he will look at my name before I go in and think "oh god it's that local nutter" :-( I've got my first therapy session 21 feb and it really can't arrive fast enough x

01-02-13, 11:57
Weird aren't we? I'm in a similar position, having some strange stomach pains (particularly straight after taking Lansprozole) that the doctor says is not relate to acid reflux and ordered blood tests to be taken that day to check my pancreas. On one hand I am pleased that he is listening and acting quickly, on the other, why is he acting so quickly?! I'm now freaked out that it is the 'c' word and as usual am a complete zombie, no good to anyone and there is no way my stomach is going to get better now - I'm a trembling bundle of nerves! Of course a friend of a friend died of it last year who is a similar age to me and had a fast and horrible death, leaving two children the same age as mine.

As my husband says, once this is sorted out I won't be able to worry about anything else, because there isn't a part of me left that hasn't been checked!

Usually I hound the surgery for test results, but this time I just don't want to know, which also makes me think, deep down, that I know something is wrong.

As Miranda's mum would say "such fun!"