View Full Version : Going to doctors.

01-02-13, 12:20
I am off to my doctors today, I can't cope feeling like something is going on. My head is horrendous, it feels like I have been hit with a shovel on the left side of my head every day, earache, awful brain fog, vertigo and can't stop crying and I don't feel like me. My head feels all out of balance and if I turn quick I go dizzy. I am concerned that when I went before Xmas with vertigo that no one gave me any neuro tests and just referred me to an ent specialist. I can't get out of my head that all these must be a tumour or something terrible and its going to be too late.The brain fog will not let me think clear and rationally and I am not doing myself any favours crying all day.
I hate feeling like this.

---------- Post added at 12:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 ----------

Been to see gp and he looked in my ears and eyes and said wait to see ent next week. He said there is nothing to suggest to him that I have a brain tumour. Why Am i never convinced. I told him about headaches, pressure in side of head, vertigo and not being able to think clearly and he didn't seem concerned. He said the ent might send me for an MRI scan just to finalise it.

01-02-13, 12:55
Hiya Ziggy
I totally get where your coming from iv been suffering with Health Anxiety for many years now, and need constant reassurance from my GP and Husband.
Whatever it might be headache stomach ache back ache cough mouth ulcer etc its always Cancer!!!!
My dad died of cancer 18years ago and i never received any help or counselling through his illness so didnt fully understand what was going on, somewhat left in the dark..... It has scared me terribly, ii think about cancer everyday and will convince myself i have it.
Iv had therapy which has help to a degree, but when im anxious for whatever reason the illness thing creeps in.
I truly feel for you its so hard to cope with.
Listening to music walking my dogs diy does help sometimes, its only when my GP says your fine its not Cancer it eases of until the next time.......

01-02-13, 13:10
I have been here many times before but when i get a new symptom I always think i feel different this time and i won't get taken serious and it will be fatal. I have a few month of being ok then wham I will get a completely different symptom which this time started off has vertigo. I always think well I haven't had this before it must be something bad, I never think it could be something treatable.
I know I won't settle until I see the ent and probably get an mri.

01-02-13, 14:39
I'm sure it won't be anything to worry about in the long run but vertigo is a horrible symptom. I had it in 2011 and I was in such a state...I ended up signed off work for 2 months cos I was so terrified of moving about and doing anything.

I have a lot of problems with catarrh and have had tinnitus in one ear for most of my life and I think these minor problems made my anxiety worse cos I started thinking omg it's a tumour, I'm going to end up unable to go out and do anything ever again.

But it has subsided. You can get pills called Cinnarizine which help manage it. But I found as my anxiety reduced, so did the symptoms. Even now, I find when I'm really anxious, the spacey light-headedness comes back but when I relax, it subsides.

01-02-13, 15:00
does any one get dizziness and feels like you are outside of your self and unsteady on your feet ive got these symptoms at mo along with bad lower back ache and bloody blurred vision this is now a daily occurance start off ok in the morn then it all slowly creeps in and lasts all day does go off now and again went to option eye sight fine went docs thought i had inner ear infection she said coputer says no!!!!!!!!!!!! it all anxiety it doing ME INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ANY IDEAS PLEASE

01-02-13, 15:02
I don't even feel that anxious really, but I am worried so I suppose it's the same. I havent any butterflies in my stomach which I usually get when I am anxious. I wasnt anxious when I started with the vertigo I just woke up with it one morning.

01-02-13, 15:24
I've always been anxious but I have to say when the vertigo happened it came out of nowhere. I then spent about 2 months terrified of everything (I started with Agoraphobia I was that terrified) and I had one more attack of it a few months later. All the time though I was in a terrible state and almost became obsessed with movement and balance.

I used Cinnarizine to help when I did feel woozy and gradualy, baby steps, got to be able to do things again.

01-02-13, 19:43
The brain fog, head pressure and just feeling like I am on the edge of losing my mind are awful. It's scary when the floor shakes and moves with every step.

01-02-13, 20:20
I think that one of the things with vertigo is that, although it's a condition you can have whether you suffer from anxiety or not, so many of it's symptoms really are made lots worse by anxiety. Dizziness, light headedness, feeling spaced out really do get worse with anx.

I think the thing with vertigo is finding how to manage it. There are a couple of types of tablets you can take or it might be that the doctor recommends a different way. But once you find something that helps you reduce the symptoms of it then you can start to keep it in check.

I remember that the doctor I saw at the time for it also suffered with it. I remember her telling me how some days she was in her treatment room clinging to the desk because the floor was moving. I kind of thought wow if you can have a career as a doctor then it must be controllable.