View Full Version : echo today am worried

01-02-13, 09:55
Hi, I'm really just looking for support. My health anxiety has been back with a vengeance since I gave birth 13 weeks ago. Today I've to go for an echo as Dr picked up a heart murmur. I feel sick, hot, sweaty, heart racing the works today. I'm worried I'm going to embarrass myself at the appointment! I had an ECG last April and it was fine, but I had one last week and my heart rate was high but I was massively panicking. I can't stop crying. My health anxiety has always been heart related.

01-02-13, 10:03
I had to have an echo done after my doctor found a heart murmur. They are fine. I have had two now. You will be ok, try not to worry.

01-02-13, 10:40
im sure it will be fine how did ur ecg go last week?

01-02-13, 10:51
Suz70 please try not to worry, easier said than done I know, but honestly I promise you that it will not be as bad as you think it is. The person doing the ECG will know that you are worried and I am sure that they will try to put your mind at ease.

I was found to have a heart murmer when I was a child. The doctors explained that what it meant was that one of the small valves in the heart didnt close completely which meant that when the blood was pumping round (in there words now) one of the doors didnt close totally, but they also explained that it is nothing to worry about.

I was told that over time they can rectify themselves, and I think that is what happened to mine, as I have had many ECG's since then and nothing more has ever been said.

I know as soon as the heart is mentioned us HA sufferers can go into meltdown, but I am sure that they will say to you that all is well, explain your worries when you get there and let them talk through things with you.

Hope this helps a little.

01-02-13, 22:28
Thank you for reassuring me. It only lasted about ten minutes and she was very nice. I get my results tomorrow.

Hope you have a good weekend!