View Full Version : Hi all i am another newbie who wants to say hi!

04-09-06, 01:16
I dont know where to start really! I am 27 and i have suffered with Depression, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia for nearly 7 years now, and at last i have found a site that i can relate to and people can relate to me. I have got 4 children 9, 6, 4 and 2 and being so wrapped up in my own problems i am only just realising what my children are missing out on, i am not even able to take them to school which is 2 minutes away from my home!:( I am on 40mg of seroxat and i have just started therapy. I panic all the time when i try to go out, so i gave up trying, which now i know was the worst thing i could have ever done. I find it really hard to meet new people and make close friends and i would really like to meet some new people on this site, with the added bonus that we all have an unerstanding of how each other feels. I dont think i would have survive this long without the wonderful support from my husband, he is fantastic! :D But there is nothing like talking to someone who really understands. I hope i havent bored anyone!

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Kari xxx

04-09-06, 01:55
Hi Kari,

A big warm welcome to the site. You will find lots of support here. You've obviously been struggling with this for a long time and you certainly have your hands full with 4 kids!

It is great that you have a supportive husband - that really makes all the difference - but I understand your need to talk to those who have experienced the same thing as you.

You will make lots of friends here!

Eeb x

04-09-06, 09:29
Hi Kari,

A big warm welcome to you. You will find lots of advice here and meet new friends.

Take Care


04-09-06, 10:15
Hi Kari


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



Granny Primark
04-09-06, 10:16
Hi kari,

Welcome. You have done the best thing possible by joinging this site.
Youl make lots of friends and will get lots of advice, encouragement, help and support from the members.

Take care

04-09-06, 10:34
hi kari welcome to the forum,you,ll get to know lots of lovely people with experiences like yours
take care
rachel x

polly daydream
04-09-06, 12:27
Hi Kari and welcome to the forum. Nice to meet you.

Best wishes,


04-09-06, 12:50
hi there hope you are ok today i am suffering from stress and depression but only been there for 18months not as long as you but its not nice at all.i have lost my confidence i can talk to strangers but feel ashamed when i have to speak to people i know,its like having leprosy isnt it.i am a married mum with 2 grown up children 1 boy of 35 still at home and a daughter of 30 who lives with her partner and had a baby in march this year i have so much wanted to be a granny but with having this dreaded depression cant seem to enjoy my lovely grandson yet but i hope soon to kick this thing in the head and be able to enjoy all the pleasures of life again.feel free to e mail me if you need someone to talk to.[8D]


04-09-06, 14:15
Hi Kari,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

04-09-06, 14:23
Hi Kari

Welcome to the forum.
You'll get loads of help and support here.

Take care

Elaine x

04-09-06, 14:37
Thanks all for such a nice welcome i am really looking forward to making friends with you all:D


04-09-06, 16:24
Hi Kari

Welcome to the forum, you will meet lots of new people as well as find out some new information.


04-09-06, 16:47
Hi Kari

I only have half of what you have (1 who's 6 and 1 who's 4) and it's quite enough work when I see them!


“There is a certain sort of man who ignores his own good qualities but is tormented by his bad ones, this is the man who writes about himself.”
-W. Somerset Maugham

04-09-06, 17:25
Hi and welcome, lots of nice people here

04-09-06, 19:47
hiya, welcome to the forum. u must be brave! 4 kids! i love kids though. cant wait to have kids of my own
hope you enjoy using the site
shell xx

04-09-06, 21:04
Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm new here but this site has really helped me stay positive. It's great - such lovely people!
All the best

04-09-06, 23:10
Welcome Aboard, Kari

You will never feel alone here.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

05-09-06, 10:11

I'm new too. I dont get alot of time to get online but hope to speak to you soon.


05-09-06, 17:19
Hi Kari your not alone.I have suffered with depression,anxiety and panic attacks for over 10 years now.I had a bad panic attack 3 weeks ago and havent managed to go out alone since.And when I am out Its a nightmare.I have a partner who has been through it all with me and to me hes a saint.Just wanted to say this site is brilliant and you will make lots of friends.
Take care

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 17:38
Hi Kari, I'm new as well and even if its just a place to get things off my chest, at least thats something. I experienced the same drug for 3 years some time ago. I'm not sure where you are with it but maybe speaking to your gp about trying something else will help. This was a serious drug for me and had a very bad time coming off it once I realised that I'd become agrophobic myself (took some time to realise this in itself). If your GP isn't recomending some counselling along side this drug I would suggest you have a word. If its anything like my experience I just got my prescription and went about my way, easy to get forgotten about.
Good luck,
Chin up

06-09-06, 11:33
hello kari,so glad you found us!You are not isolated now hun ,and all the sharing of our sadness and our success is the most wonderful bond,Lovely tomeet yoiu.love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore