View Full Version : eye floaters & other eye problems

01-02-13, 13:36
Getting alot of floaters got these more especialy when my anxiety was at it,s worse nearly 5yrs ago but today especialy alot. Xxx & i have other vision problems too. Snowy,hazy,blurrd. Ect...... Anyone else

01-02-13, 14:26
Yes millions of people. Stop looking for reassurance, you're fine.

01-02-13, 15:58
hi hun, please dont worry, what you are describing are really common problems, I have the same thing too.

Floaters drive me mad, especially on bright days but oddly enough when it is quite grey and dreary outside too, also any plain bright surface too.

I had an eye test done a few years back, and they noticed a lot of scarring on the back of my eyes, so was sent to the eye hospital to get it checked, it turns out that there is scarring there and that is what is causing my problems, they asked if I had ever had any form of "welding flash" or something similar and I said no, couldnt think of what it was that would have done it, then remembered being a total plonker and looking at the eclipse years ago and it was that what did it.

01-02-13, 20:46
hi hun, please dont worry, what you are describing are really common problems, i have the same thing too.

Floaters drive me mad, especially on bright days but oddly enough when it is quite grey and dreary outside too, also any plain bright surface too.

I had an eye test done a few years back, and they noticed a lot of scarring on the back of my eyes, so was sent to the eye hospital to get it checked, it turns out that there is scarring there and that is what is causing my problems, they asked if i had ever had any form of "welding flash" or something similar and i said no, couldnt think of what it was that would have done it, then remembered being a total plonker and looking at the eclipse years ago and it was that what did it.
o very interesting. Xxxx thanx

01-02-13, 22:09
hi iam the same with floaters had them fore years abit annoying but nothing to worry about.