View Full Version : I keep getting scabs in and around my nose.

01-02-13, 15:24
Ive had a runny nose for what feels like forever.
So the skin is always damp, I keep getting sore scabs forming inside and underneath/outside my nostrils.
They bleed too sometimes when they knocked/rubbed off. Then the skin underneath is all raw.

I've been using Sudocream on the outside but wondering if there might be anything else that might help?

01-02-13, 15:54
hi hun, without sounding too disgusting, do the scabs continue up inside the nose also? Reason I ask is that I had that, and thought it was just from a simple cold, but went to the doctors anyway, and it turned out I had an infection in my nose, how I got one there is beyond me LOL but a course of antibiotics cleared it up really quickly, stick with the sudocreme, not sure if you can put anything else on it, so not much help other than that.

01-02-13, 16:17
I will copy the previous post I had scabs in my nose that would just not heal and they were so so sore, I went to the docs which gave me some antibiotic cream and within 2 days was cleared up , hope this helps x

01-02-13, 17:31
Sounds like you have a viral/bacterial infection, go and see your GP and get some cream, you need something stronger than sudocream and something that will be a good barrier cream too x x