View Full Version : Morning anxiety and Cipralex/Lexapro

01-02-13, 18:40
Hi all, I know this has been mentioned throughout various threads but it was so helpful to me to read of others experience with the morning anxiety while on Lexapro, which typically, gradually subsides. Hopping people can share their experience relating to am anxiety here. I had been stable on Lexapro for many yrs, recently having a relapse and had changed dosages about 4 times in past 2 months which has really had my anxiety levels all over the place. I'm hopeful that I'm now settling into 15mg, dropped from 20mg 1 week ago. Anxiety is strongest in the morning, when I get to work and stay busy( sometimes with .25 of clonapin) I've felt really good this week, and then much more relief, close to normal in evenings. Today I have off, didn't sleep well last night, anxiety in am is lingering. So when have people experienced the relief of the morning anxiety, 2 weeks?, 4 weeks? I'm trying to be patient and know its a process. I know the theories about blood sugar, cortisol in the am, but what us it about Lex that causes the anx peak in the am? Would love to hear others experiences!

02-02-13, 09:19
I've been on Cipralex 3 months and still wake up feeling flat and anxious but it's gettig better. When I was on regular Citalopram it usually took me a good 4 or even up to 5 months to become totally normal again so I take Lorazepam when I wake up. and am usually great the rest of the day once it kicks in. I'm only on 10mg's of Escitalopram.
Hope you feel your anxiety is under control again soon...whenever Ive changed my dose it's take about 2 weeks to stablise (:

02-02-13, 15:10
Thanks Karen for your feedback, always helpful hearing someone else has been there and gotten through! It's such a roller coaster of feelings, good days bad days, some in between. I guess it really does take the body time to normalize and balance out seretonin and receptors.

03-02-13, 02:05
It honestly took me about 5 weeks to get over the morning anxiety completely. I know it took some people here longer. I haven't had any morning anxiety in a long while. It just takes some time.

Hang in there.


03-02-13, 16:10
Thanks mike, past two days its actually been a lot more than morning anxiety, anxiety spiked and has stayed consistent through the day, nauseous no appetite, 3 days of feeling good then crap again...this sucks

05-02-13, 11:03
Hope you feel better soon Mykee xxx