View Full Version : From Crewe and New to No More Panic

01-02-13, 23:13
Hi everyone,

I am Cathy and new to this site. I currently study psychology at MMU Cheshire and do volunteering with my local mental health unit doing group therapy sessions on anxiety and depression. I have wanted to be a mental health worker since I suffered with extreme post-natal psychosis after having my daughter and spent two years battling crippling depression and panic attacks.

I went through cognitive behavioural therapy where I volunteer now but still suffer greatly with social anxiety and it badly affects my confidence in my ability to be able to fulfil my career. I often feel my illness will stop me helping others suffering with it and makes me feel sometimes like hypocrite when I am really struggling yet trying to give positive advice to others.

When I went for my therapy I was given the impression "exposure tactics" would cure my anxiety disorder and I would never have an issue with it again. Over the years I have found this to be not only untrue but detrimental to being able to cope with this illness as I believe it is a constant ongoing thing you learn to deal and live with that gets easier but never fully goes away. In positivity though, we all need some anxiety as it helps us preform better but not when it makes us cry, fearful and panic. Its getting the balance - and that is extremely difficult.

Anyhow, I was hoping to maybe make some friends who equally struggle like me and could maybe build a group of support. I will stop waffling on now and will finish with saying that I am looking forward to speaking to some of you all.

Hope everyone is well :D

Cathy x

01-02-13, 23:24
Hi missjones2910

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-02-13, 02:24
Hey there Cathy,

I also believe that this road to recovery is an ongoing process, there is no cure, but there is a point where you can be in control of it to the point where it's not affecting every day life.

I also study Psychology and find that my own experiences with anxiety and depression have enhanced my learning as well as helping others - I also feel hypocritical at times, giving other people advise whilst I'm still going through things or having relapses - but I feel that helping other people can sometimes help me move through and work through my low points.

Hope to see you around the site, it's a great support network :)


02-02-13, 09:01
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


02-02-13, 12:30
Hi Cathy
Welcome to the site!...there is a lot of support here
Carmel x

02-02-13, 15:05
Hi Cathy welcome

02-02-13, 17:13
Hi cathy I am too from crewe and suffer depression and anxiety pm me u u wanna chat

02-02-13, 22:58
Hi Cathy. Welcome to the forum.

03-02-13, 02:17
Hi cathy
Would be lovely to chat anytime, this site has helped me
so much and do not know what I would of done with out it somtimes
Such nice helpful people on here, always there to offer advice and help
if they can