View Full Version : Prisoner of health anxiety

02-02-13, 00:35
I am a slave to my own body. I'm scared of every tingle, pain, pinch, ache and twitch. Right now i'm really anxious over whats wrong with me. I've been seeing a lot of lines in my vision and moving dots everywhere, kind of like looking through a microscope and seeing parasites move. Its getting worse, I've been to the eye doctor and I had three major anxiety attacks today because i'm scared what could be wrong with me and I only have three Seroquels left and I take them for my anxiety so I called the office today to refill my prescription but they are closed on Fridays and now I have to wait till Monday and I usually take three a day...what will I do. I've been having a hard time breathing, I think I inhaled a piece of lint from my clothes and earlier my tongue was swelled for no reason and my upper lip has been tingling all day and I've been dizzy for almost a week now. Its just symptom after symptom! MRI's, ct scans, blood work and doctor visits do no good but why am I still having symptoms....I am so scared of my own body and I shouldn't be scared to live!

It seems like I've tried everything from meditation, yoga, soothing music but nothing helps. I don't know what to do anymore. I shouldn't be scared of my own body....

Please give feedback

02-02-13, 16:59
I've been fixating on one thing and then another. It needs to stop.

Is there any books or perhaps cd's that have helped you? I'm looking for health anxiety books specifically, maybe something to help ease my mind a bit.

02-02-13, 17:21


Is briliant and VERY effective, but you do need to follow it to the letter, which takes a lot of commitment and determination.

I don't think there are any easy HA fixes though, I wish there were.

02-02-13, 20:34
Awww, sorry you are not feeling well. I am the same way, I have health Anxiety really bad, and any feeling that is out of place will send me freaking out. It stinks. I also jump from one thing to another one day it is my heart, another day it's my head, it never ends. I have had some strange things happen with the eyes also, and that always freaks me out, because it is our eyes. There is some good information to the left, on why the eyes can cause us problems when we are anxious, maybe that will help you. What did your eye Doctor say? Hope you feel better soon. :hugs: