View Full Version : Brain buzzing/vibrating/shaking/tremor

02-02-13, 02:20
Hi everyone,

I've had this before, but recently it's been really aggressive. I get these buzzing/vibrating feelings in my brain, not in my ear and it feels like a car engine is being revved. I also experience head pressure and my anxiety sky rockets. It lasts for an hour off and on throughout the day. :weep:

Focusing and worrying about it, like usual makes it worse. Is there anybody else who experiences something like this ? I almost went to the hospital the other night because the buzzing/vibrating seemed to get way out of control.

I just finished school recently and maybe my body is trying to catch up from exhaustion. I'm also seeing a psychologist, who is trying to help me cope, but sometimes I just think there really is something wrong with me. GP tells me to take meds/see the psychologist.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks !
