View Full Version : help!

02-02-13, 10:08
Hi there im sorry about the title i didnt know what to use,
ive been off my cipralex coming up to 4 months now, as i was on them 2 years and felt i didnt need them anymore my doctor was happy that i came off them and at the time so was i. But :scared15: recently past week ive been waking anxious and panicky in the early hours of the morning and am scared its all going to come back, i feel kind of reliant on my meds and now im not its scaring me a little can anyone understand this???????? if so can you help advice me on what to do as i dont want to go back screaming to doctors give me my pills again. which i dont think he will anyway. ive had CBT and mindfullness classes to help me but im struggling a little.. plus dont know if its my age (43) and that time of the month if you no what i mean ladys? im just frightend its all going to come back and everything ive done is a waste of time.


02-02-13, 11:48
Be patient... During the time you've struggling with anxiety and panic you will know what the truth is and panic is not as frightened as we thought. Keep practicing and living normally as you had before. Medication will help. I'm having 16mg Mirtazapine and 6mg Bromazepam a day, and taking Yoga class along side, reading CBT and practicing. Keep yourself busy with plans too.

The most important is your attitude. Accept the fact that anxiety will be with you because it's the good thing in your system to protect you, don't wish or try to get them away, because they never will. You will be struggling but it will gradually reduce from time to time. Trust me. You've done all your best

Big hug

Linh Nguyen

04-02-13, 09:03
Thankyou linh

i know medication helps but thats what im saying, ive been off my meds now 4 months because my doctor wanted me to because id been on them 4 years. I wish i could have stayed on them for life then i would have no worries. What the doctors fail to tell you is how they affect you when you come off them.... Im trying to be strong and its bloody hard its like a new battle all over again.. im tired of the what if syndrome running around my head.:weep: