View Full Version : Partner is Pregnant

02-02-13, 14:07
Hiya guys my wife too be has told me she is pregnant i had the biggest smile on my face ever was and still over the moon... But All my anxiety severe anxiety started last april when we lost our baby boy at 35weeks still born due too a heart condition :weep: it was the worst moment of my life being there while she gave birth it was horrendous i think about it everyday every night in bed before i sleep he was perfect... The thing is iv been taking my meds now for the last 5 weeks it was beginning too change my life for the better now since the news im a wreak again like back at square 1 i wont stop fussing over my partner either think she thinks im made im wrapping her up in cotton wall.... Shes been really depressed the last year as she lost her dad 6weeks after the baby but now she knows she pregnant she seems happier but scared at the same time.... Im so scared i really am i crying just typeing this :( :( Hope everything will be ok this time round..

02-02-13, 14:26
Hey Joseph,

We know someone who went through something similar a few year ago. It must be the mos traumatic thing to go through. I can see why this recent news has started your worries again, its only natural that you are going to feel like that after what you have been through.

Take it one day at a time, dont focus on the next 9 months. With your gf pregnancy history the medical staff with my keeping a very close eye on her this time around. To have a still born mustve been horrific and very unexpected.

Try to take some comfort in the fact that this pregnancy will be watched closely, and in the end you will take home a beaytiful baby !
The couple we know went on to have a beautiful baby boy last year and he has brought them so much joy.You'll never forget your son, he will always be your first born, but this pregnancy and birth will be totally different.

You'll be a great dad, try not to be too hard on yourself, this is bound to have an emotional effect on you. Tears of joy though soon when you have your beautiful baby in your arms.

Take care

Stelly xx

02-02-13, 14:42
firstly congratulations!

Its totally understandable this news triggering your anxiety again after what you have both been through. Im so sorry for your loss.

My wife is 27 weeks pregnant and I do worry about her but no more than I suspect most partners worry about their partner when they are pregnant.

My wife being pregnant has definitely played a major role in my anxiety though. I did have the start of it just before we found out after having a massive panic attack after smoking something I shouldnt have but from the day we found out my anxiety has been a lot worse.

I think at the root of it is a fear I wont be around to see my son/daugther be born let alone grow up. i do feel really selfish though because the focus is on me and not my wife though Im doing my best to support her any way she needs.

Anyway, the point of this rambling is really just to say try your best to enjoy the pregnancy and be there for your wife to give her all the support she needs.

I know it will be hard and you will probably be on edge a lot but you'll forget all of that when you hold your child for the first time.

Im packing extra tissues for ours as I know i wont be able to stop blubbing!