View Full Version : Anxiety and living in stress.

Miss lexx
02-02-13, 14:53
Hi all,
I know this is gonna be long winded but I really need some advice. About a month ago I was dignosed with Anxiety and depression due to stress in my life. At the moment me and my 3 children (plus im 33 weeks pregnant) live with my mum and have done for nearly 2 years due to housing complications. I have had issues since I was a child due to my mum taking drugs throughout my childhood so living here is quite stressful as I have OCD when it comes to being near anyone that takes drugs. When I had a panic attack a few weeks ago and my Anxietly first started it was a really bad time for me as i thought I was going crazy.. I will say my mum was quite helpful through that as she suffers Anxiety herself. But since she has noticed I have improved a little she has started being really horrible and saying that my children are brats and that i'm a useless mum. I try my best to make sure my kids are not affected by my anxiety and depression and even strated taking citalopram while pregnant which I am normally totally againts, for the sake of making sure im ok for my kids.. For the last 2 days my mum has been in a really bad mood and is taking it all out on me. I found out today that she has been smoking drugs in her from while my children are in the house. She knows how I feel towards drugs and I dont know what to do as its her house, im also worried about my anxiety coming back and me being as bad as I was a few weeks ago. I'm hoping the citalopram will not let this happen although i have only been taking this for a few weeks. I felt a bit panicky last night which I guess must be the stress. I'm not sleeping properly and haven't been since I strated taking the meds so that dont help.. I'm confused about what to do and any advice would be very helpful. Sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read xx

04-02-13, 08:25
This best thing obviously is to get away from your Mum.
Is there anything your local authority can do to rehouse you?
Would you be open to moving to a new area?

Take care x