View Full Version : Terrified of internal parasites

02-02-13, 17:07
I have a dog and cats which have recently picked up fleas, and I've noticed one of my cats pass a couple of tapeworm segments. Although a human can't get infected with tapeworm by these segments, you can if you accidentally swallow a flea which is infected with tapeworm eggs. I am now in a blind panic as my cats often sleep on the bed and a flea may have got into my mouth in the night, or some other time, and I now might have tapeworm. This has always been one of the things I am always terrified of. I searched the internet for reassurance hoping to find that this was unlikely, but instead found statements from doctors saying about 90% of humans have unknowingly got some sort of worm. I know that even if I did have, it's easily remedied but the thought of having something like that inside me feels me with horror. I know it's stupid but I can't even look down the toilet bowl for signs that I might have one, incase I have, and I honestly think I would die of fright. I am so, so scared, I'm not sleeping and am thinking about this 24 hours a day. (Please,I don't want to hear any worm stories, I've read enough of those on the internet and ended up crying)

02-02-13, 17:18
A single dose of Ovex, which is easy to get from the chemist, will give you peace of mind.

I know how hard it is when these worries run away with you though, it is all-consuming.

02-02-13, 17:24
Thank you, TheGroundhog, but I think that is just for threadworms as opposed to tapeworms.

02-02-13, 17:38
It suggests you can use it here


But if not, just check with your dr.


02-02-13, 18:49
Worm your self. You can get the pills from the pharmacy.
You can get a gentle on the tummy , white fluid in a yellow bottle for worming puppies/dogs , kittens and cats :)
Job done nothing to worry about.

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:47 ----------

I posted about that too how no one talks about worms despite it being comon and causes IBS symptoms!

Don't worry, worms are pretty harmless .