View Full Version : SOOO SCARED of MS!

04-09-06, 10:53
Hi i'm new here, about three months ago i found a lump under my arm, the doctors told me it's a cyst and then i got one under my other arm, again they said it was a cyst. Soon after i started being breathless and thought i had heart disease, that went away, then i got a pain in my left arm which i still have and have had for weeks, i then got headaches and eye pain, dizziness and eye pressure and thought i had a brain tumour. the doctor has done blood tests and eye pressure, reflex tests etc. all fine but now i feel numbness in one side of my face, it isn't numb when i touch it but it just feels numb, i still have arm pain and i am so scared i have MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help me!! xxxx

04-09-06, 14:20
hi randi,welcome to the forum,you will find lots of great people on here to share your stories with!i,m sure thatyou don,t have MS,what you have are classic anxiety symptoms,i,m sure that if you did have anything your doctor would have picked it up.have you tried relaxation at all?i know its really hard and we do always think of the worst case scenario but you will be fine.hope this helps a little
take care
rachel x

04-09-06, 14:38
thankyou for your advice, i am going to the doctors on wednesday, i'm just constantly afraid that my worst fears are ging to be revealed, i try to link all the symptoms i have to one awful disease. Relaxing seems impossible for me at the moment but i will attempt it.

04-09-06, 21:02
we all do this and if your like me when the symptom goes away you completely forget about it
strange isnt it.

we are all stronger people after having this