View Full Version : Had a burger out earlier now worried!

02-02-13, 18:14
Hey guys. I went out to a restuarant earlier that specifically caters in burgers.
I chose mine and told the waitress, she said would i like it medium rare as thats what they recommend.
I said yes and so did my friend.
When the burgers came they were nice until i started eating and got into the middle, it was very pink, pinker than my friend's. I didnt eat all of it as was suspicious. But did eat most before I realised.
Is that what medium rare looks like?
I did see a few other people's burgers and they looked similar.
I am now worried I will get sick

02-02-13, 18:38
People eat burgers and steaks blue which is practically raw!

02-02-13, 18:41
Oh and of course there is Steak tartare which is raw

02-02-13, 18:41
Yep people eat them with blood dripping out .
I think it's a bit like how you can eat fish raw :)

02-02-13, 19:25
Beef undercooked is fine for you. Infanct i like it bloody xx

02-02-13, 19:48
I always have steak and burgers rare. Don't worry.

02-02-13, 20:44
So pink in the middle is ok? it was very pink though!

02-02-13, 21:35
Pink in the middle is okay, and it's true people eat/order them like that all the time. I am with you though, everything has to be well done!!!! or I won't touch it. :)

02-02-13, 22:04
yes very pink is fine for a burger

03-02-13, 04:02
I agree hun pink in steak is fine. I understand I am a lot like you Im like a eating out vegetarian I would not eat chicken unless I know the place well enough as I always think I am going to get food poisoning.