View Full Version : OH MY .....

02-02-13, 19:19
Hi all it has been a while since I posted but yesterday I e mailed my resignation from my job

I know you might think why but after 17 years I found a little courage to say enough as I was being sick every morning and as I have had time off due to anxiety my absence was been monitored and I felt like I was at school not to mention how funny they thought it was to ask me to carry coffee cups to clients and mark me out of 10 for hand shakes

Deep down I know I have done think I done the right thing but I am also terrified as work was a constant and I am frankly terrified for the whole interview malarky etc but I just wanted some feedback from my fellow sufferers

Sorry am being needy

worried Mike

02-02-13, 19:21
I think if work was making your anxiety worse then you have done the right thing. Health is more important than anything.

02-02-13, 20:32
Sounds like your employers weren't at all supportive so I'm sure you've done the right thing - Annie's right, your health is more important. I did the same as you - left a job I'd been in for over twenty years- and had the same doubts. I don't regret it.

02-02-13, 22:56
I agree with Annie.
The last time I was in the waiting room at GPs I overheard someone talking and they were off work through stress.
I think too much pressure is put upon people in the workplace.
I remember years ago, walking home from a job a hated, I was sobbing my heart out, a car drew up beside me. I was my husband. I was so upset.
He told me not to go back to work, I was being given to much responsibility and was making me ill.I spent some time at home.
I found another job,less money but worthwhile.
Take carexx

02-02-13, 23:53
I think that is a very brave thing to do. As others have said, your health is far more important. You are worth much more than the way you are being treated. I admire your inner strength & courage and wish you all the best for the future.

I am having lots of work issues which have only added to my anxiety and depression but I have not had the courage to just walk away after 19 years. I have come to the point where I am going to have to re-consider my future and that is a very scarey thought.

I just wondered, did you seek any legal or professional advice before making your decision?

All the best, Kitti :)

03-02-13, 11:54
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone above - YOU and your health are far more important than any job. I left a job last August which I had been in 2 years and had nothing to go to, I was in too dark a place. Naturally I worried about how I would cope with finding something else but I did, I'm now a school librarian and it is a much better fit, with nicer people, nicer atmosphere (yes there are some stressy bits) but the job now longer stresses me leaving me to deal with all the underlying stuff.

I say good on you and good luck! You will be just fine, in fact better than that as you took control of a situation and said no. That's amazing and you should be so proud of yourself!