View Full Version : Does this sound like diabetes?

02-02-13, 20:56
The only symptoms I have of diabetes is feeling hungry all of the time, thirsty and I seem to be craving sugary drinks. I've just ate some food, and I feel as if I haven't eaten the whole day. I don't have frequent urination, feel faint, dizziness, blurred vision or tingly sensations in my feet and hands. I did used to have frequent urination for no reason, but I haven't had that for months now and I just go normally. Thing is, is excessive hunger/thirst and craving for sugar the only symptoms you can have to have diabetes? I'm quite scared.

No one else in my family has it, so I don't have a family history of it. My parents say I'm fine, but.... am I? I've had a blood test recently, would that find diabetes? Or do I have to have several to test for it? I'm totally OK with having multiple blood tests as I no longer hate needles.

I weigh 116 lbs by the way, so I'm not overweight. My diet is pretty poor though.

03-02-13, 09:02
Maybe you're answered your own question when saying ''my diet is pretty poor''.

Maybe you're just missing lots of nutirients, which can cause different symptoms.

A fasting blood test would show up diabetes.... not sure if they tested for that during your last blood test?

03-02-13, 13:09
It'll often show up in a urine test.
Just go to the doctor and get a fasting blood test, to check your blood sugar levels.
Drinking sugary drinks will make you feel thirsty.