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View Full Version : High BP meds not working

02-02-13, 22:08
Hi everyone

I'm on amlodipine 5mg for 9 weeks. Ramipril for 10 days approx.
been really good and haven't taken my BP too many times, but yesterday
Thought I should take it
Over the moon, my third reading 115/78 yippee

However last night. 142/94. Then 131/92
Tonight. 128/92 !!!!

Does these mean they are not working?
Really don't know if they take longer to work

It's kind of stressing me out to be honest

Please anyone who has any advice I'm so grateful xxx

02-02-13, 22:17
Hi Tracie, how long have you been on the tablets? They are pretty good the ones that you are on, and am sure that you will see a difference for the better in your blood pressure, it sometimes takes a lot of chopping and changing to find the right ones for you, but the doctors will get it sorted.

One thing though taking blood pressure in itself can actually put your blood pressure up, because sub conciously we worry incase it has risen, and of course worry puts it up, you may not even feel anxious but it still happens.

Try to stop taking it for a couple of days and then try again, rather than doing it repeatedly as with each change it can then make you worry and have an adverse effect on the BP, hope this helps.x

03-02-13, 07:52
What is your diet like? Do you exercise? You can help yourself with your BP with both of those.... have you heard of the DASH diet? It's the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Also, exercise can help you by reducing your BP over time and relaxing you... which will also help to lower your BP. You sounds very stressed by it...I also used to check my BP a lot, but now I try not too... I've not checked it in 2 weeks now. My BP has gone up sometimes, and doctors wanted to put me on meds, but I said no, as my BP only goes up sometimes, not all of the time... so I've made lifestyle changes... eating healthily (harldy any processed foods which often contain lots of hidden sugars and or salt, fats). I eat mostly fresh food, veg and fruit, drink lots of water and herbal teas like green teas. I also walk every day, and meditate. It helps me to stay calm for longer.

17-05-13, 09:09
I have only just yesterday started taking 5mg of amlodipine as I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. My readings went up to 170/180 over 95/105 for a few weeks.
After reading the patient information sheet I took one single 5mg dose and thought it can't be all that bad surely, within 2 hours of taking the dose I could feel my heart thud like lead, was getting a dull pain from my chest area and just generally felt rough. For the next few hours I just thought this darn pill is going to give me a heart attack, not protect me from one!! Towards the evening I managed to somehow relax and my chest actually felt ok, but now my ankles and lower back felt muscle achy. So I have something else too worry about today lol. Just took my 2nd dose about 40 mins ago and so far so good...as for BP well I'm sure it would be too early to see any change so I give it a week then check.