View Full Version : Taken me 1 year to say hello

02-02-13, 23:31
Hello everybody,

Thank you for reading this. I've been thinking about writing on here for over a year but only just built up the courage to do so. Been struggling with OCD, panic disorder and bouts of depression for about 15 years (age 30 now). Long story that will share at some point but last 2 years have been really tough. Think I may have had undiagnosed pnd on top. Anyway, having almost lost my sanity and my marriage wanted to post.

Not sure what else to say for now,

Best wishes,

02-02-13, 23:41
Hi Filly

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-02-13, 23:51
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


03-02-13, 14:34
welcome filly. Hopefully you feel a bit better already making your first post.

Vanilla Sky
03-02-13, 16:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

03-02-13, 17:01
Hello Filly and welcome to the forum.

03-02-13, 17:08
Hi Filly, I'm really glad you have taken the plunge & joined NMP. As you might have already noticed, there's a great bunch of people here and whilst everyone has slightly differing experiences and viewpoints, the one common thing is we all want to help each other. Amazing how people struggling themselves are able to offer so much to others. It may even be that when you are ready to share, there will be things you say that others are going to find helpful or healing to them in their own way. Anyway, welcome & hope to see you posting again soon. xXx

03-02-13, 17:50
Thanks everyone for your replies. I've never posted on any kind of forum before so was a big step. It can be so lonely when other people don't really understand what we are going through so hope to find some relief from knowing others are feeling the same as me - that sounds horrible but I hope you know what I mean. Anyway, thanks again. How does this all work? Can you post on somebody's topic if you want to? New to all of this!

03-02-13, 19:21
I'm glad u took that all important step!
yes you can add your posts to anywhere you like. When someone adds a post, they are usually looking for others such as yourself to offer their viewpoint or maybe just to say they feel the same. Although someone might start a thread off, ultimately everyone shares. You can make helpful suggestions to people too.
I was really nervous to start with, thinking I am no expert. But you don't have to be. Your adding how it is for you & that's absolutely fine.
I'm definitely with you on "It can be so lonely when other people don't really understand what we are going through". It does feel like that sometimes. You will definitely find relief here and reassurance. Oh and wot u said doesn't sound horrible ...
Here's some useful links I just found on here that might be helpful:

You probably saw the "Welcome Page" but here is a link in case you've not seen it

These are the forum rules

This Links to posts about Common Problems

Daisy Sue
03-02-13, 22:42
hi Filly, welcome to the forum :)