View Full Version : I DID IT!! I TOOK MY BOY TO SCHOOL!!

04-09-06, 11:39
I am so happy now i managed to take my son to school and i even managed to collect him from school too! well with my husbands support!
I did really panic both times but it was worth it seeing the look on my sons little face, and to top the day off my 9 year old daughter came up to me and said "mummy i'm really proud of you going into school" it really choked me up and brought a tear to my eye, but it was the start i needed. I'm going to try and take my kids to school everyday now with my husband and then eventually on my own, i know to take baby steps and im sure i'll have set backs but things are really starting to look more positive.


(This is what i wrote yesterday!)

Here i am ironing my kids school uniforms ready for tomorrow (tuesday) and all im doing is crying my eyes out. The reason being is that it is my little boys first day at school tomorrow and im not even able to take him to school! I am panicing even at the thought of taking him- my chest is tight, my mouth is dry, i feel sick, i am shaking, i feel dizzy (as if im going to pass out) and my legs feel like jelly and its as if they are going to give beneath me. These are all of the symptoms i have everytime i try to go out of the house, so i am sat here now trying to think of a way to get out and take him just for his first day! I am so gutted because i cant think of anything.

Has anyone else missed out on important things? Because at the moment i feel so useless!:(:(:(:(:(


04-09-06, 11:46
Hi Kari,

Hugs for you hun. I so feel for you. You are not useless and lots of people are in the same boat as you. Never put yourself down chin up xxxx

Take Care


04-09-06, 11:59
oh kari, how we all understand just what you are going through.
Like you ive missed out on special things in the past due to panic, which i feel would like to turn into agrpphobia.
However sweetheart, your sons first day at school will only happen once, and may i say what a great big step towards recovery it would be if you could manage to take him.
Do you have a friend that could go with you? Panic is a big nasty bully but as we all know by now it cant kill us, its only effective because WE allow it to be.
I struggle most days when i have to go out, even though the panics happen even when i stay home.
And yes, I have missed major events, made up excuses, and then the guilt has made me so sad for so long.
I wish i could be there with you, to take that journey tomorrow!!
Please feel free to pm me anytime, and i do hope in my heart that you can manage tomorrow sweetheart.

luv tracie


polly daydream
04-09-06, 12:46
Hi Kari, you are not useless so get that out of your head, there are probably 100's of mums out there going through the same thing, is there anybody that can drive you, or even walk with you, I hope you find a way.

Take care,

Polly x

04-09-06, 13:07
Hi Kari
Im so sorry to hear how you feel and believe me i know where youre coming from i used to be like that and some days couldnt get my kids to school or id get to school and couldnt walk back. Luckily a good friens used to help me. That was over a year ago now im feeling tons better although ive been getting a few attacks lately but not full ones. If i can help at all please message me. Hope you manage to get a friend to take you tomorrow good luck.
Take care
Anne x

04-09-06, 13:19
Hello Kari,

You are certainly not alone with this and it is not being useless at all, its a real real fear.

Read through how others have managed and if you are not already accessing help maybe its time to make a move towards getting some CBT or exposure therapy support.

GOING BACKWARDS? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3578)
cant believe its happening again (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5812)
Advice needed please! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7244)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

04-09-06, 13:28
Thanks everyone for your kind words!

My husband will be taking the kids to school and i really want to go but the fear that is inside me is just incredible. My husband is my rock and he is with me when i have to go to appointments but i still panic. I am so scared! But i know i will regret it if i miss his first day of school! I will let you all know if i manage to get to school or not!

Thanks again


04-09-06, 14:28
Hi Kari

You are not useless chuck at all.
I wish you all the best for tomorrow and if you anage to do it you will be so proud of yourself, will be thinking about you.
Take care

Elaine x

lisa p
04-09-06, 14:40
Hi Kari

Good luck tomorrow, but dont feel bad - there will be lots of other events at school (I now not as important as your sons first day) and the fact that you are at home to wave the children off and greet them when they return home from school is great.

I have suffered for 10 years and when my son started school I was not to bad but the last few months have been awful, some days I have to sit in the car and wait for him, cause the panic is so severe.

I will be exactly like you in Jan when my daugther starts school already thinking about it and dreading it!! Just to make you laugh last term I had to go to sons parents afternoon, so off I set, felt really sick had my safety things in my hand (Sick bag, rescue remedy and mints!) explained to my son that I might not be able to do it, he got cross and threw a mega tantrum, I stood outside the school shaking, in floods of tears and wanting to run and hide, but I stayed and as soon as I got into his classroom I sat near the door and made sure it was unlocked, my son was just the proudest boy in school afterwards, and me, well I came home completely exhausted and in need of a large glass of wine!!

Sorry to ramble on, but I feel for you, cause its so hard, see how you feel in the morning, dont put any pressure on yourself your son will not think badly of you, why not have a nice tea party ready for when he comes home, nice little cakes etc, my kids love all that!! and it makes me feel less guilty!

Good luck and PM me if you need to chat.

Love Lisa px

04-09-06, 17:22
I really feel for you as this is such a big milestone.

If you do manage to go, you will be ecstatic with yourself and you will always look back and know you did it! Do you/your husband drive? Could you rest assured knowing you could 'escape' to the privacy of your car if need be?

If you dont manage to go just put it down to these awful things that are panic attacks. You did not ask to start getting these so do not beat yourself up over them - if you felt well enouhg to go you know you would and its not like you are sending your son off on his own - you are sending him off with his father. Nobody will think bad of you.

I have had to miss all my daughters first year of parents evenings at secondary school for the same reasons and hated myself fot it but I know when I am feeling sensible that I would go if I could. There will be so much at school you will be able to do and you can contribute from home by reading with your child, getting involved with school projects that your childs class is working on and going to school events as and when you feel up to it, so please dont beat youself up my love. PM me if you need to - you will always get a reply!

04-09-06, 18:25
i so so hope you do it tommorow
i bet you can, i think you can, i know you can.
just think how proud of that you would be. ive missed out on loads of stuff and felt so crap after,
try hun i will be thinking of you.
my kids are older and im anxious about them going back to school, cos ive got kind of cosy with them around, ohhh i dont like change
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

05-09-06, 16:06
Hi Kari,

A big WELL DONE :D for what you achieved today, you proved to yourself that you can do it, so take that and work on it, you should be really proud of yourself mate.

Take care

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-09-06, 16:07

Many, many congratulations. We were thinking of you and hoping it wa sgoing ok.

You did so very well... and yes its the start.

When you go tomorrow keep saying to yourself what a star you were today and reassure yourself that all will be well as it was today

This really needs to be in the success catagory please


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

05-09-06, 17:02
Hi Kari
I just wanted to say congratulations,you should be really proud of your self.well done.

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 17:23
well done sweetheart!! i know it wasnt easy, but this is the way forward now, im so proud of you.
luv tracie xx


05-09-06, 17:41
a big well done kari,
i knew you could do it,
you must be so so proud of yourself.

we are all stronger people after having this

05-09-06, 17:42
hi Kari


That is fantastic news, i am so happy for you! You're right, baby steps. That's the way. Its so good your husband supports you, that really helps. (Mine is my knight in shining armour too.) And your daughter being so proud as well. Thats really special.

I went back to work at school yesterday, and that is one of my biggest challenges. I was almost in tears and really didn't want to go because I felt awful and didn't want to panic at work. I survived the day and today was a bit easier. We've got to keep taking those tiny steps!


05-09-06, 17:47
hi kari

well done, taking your son to school is a big achievment.


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

05-09-06, 18:37
Hey Kari,

Wow well done you. See you did it hun you did it.xx

Take Care


polly daydream
05-09-06, 18:50
Kari I am so proud of you, knew you could do it, well done you.:D:D xx

Take care,

Polly x

05-09-06, 18:57
Well done! How fantastic you must feel right now. Dont worry about the blips that will inevitably try to stop you on your way as just remember not everyone takes thier kids to school every day. what I mean by that is some parents take it in turns/ some work nights so cant /etc so dont worry if you do miss the odd day here and that - youve been to the most important one! A big well done!

05-09-06, 19:52
I am soooo happy for you WEll DONE!!!!

05-09-06, 20:07
Hi Kari

Just wanted to say congratulations and well done - bet the smile is still on your face (",)

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)

05-09-06, 21:48
hi kari WELL DONE!!!you should be sooo proud of yourself!!i had a tear in my eye reading that you had done so well(very hormonal at the mo!!!!lol)!!it,s great that you have a supportive hubby too
take care rachel x

06-09-06, 00:00
Hi Kari
Well done im so pleased for you being able to go. Ive had a bad day today so it was good to read that you managed to go to your boys first day at school.Keep in there. All the best Anne xx

06-09-06, 09:00
well done kari, thats brialliant
im so glad you managed to see your little boy into school

06-09-06, 10:37
Oh Kari,i am so HAPPY FOR YOU HUN!I know how you are feeling right, now i do!And nothing and nobody can take away the sense of achievment you feel right now.Hold on to it Kari,dont let this joy in your heart slip away,it will get you to your journeys end,trust it,for it as real as any fear and can replace that fear too.Oh i am so pleased you tried and triumphed over your fear,WELL DONE!l mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore