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View Full Version : Off Balance :(

03-02-13, 09:41
I was fine, expected nothing, just lying thinking about how my sister was playing music too loudly and I was still in bed, lay around for a while then got up to go and get some breakfast when suddenly I was extremely off balance which has never happened to me before, I was rocking to my left side and felt like I was going to fall. When I realised it wasn't passing I decided I'd try go downstairs to let my Mum know how I am feeling, I rocked the whole way down and couldn't keep my balance and kept steering to the left side of my body. I told my Mum who alas didn't care (as per) she just made out I wasn't being serious and it was just a spell of dizziness but this is actually off balance.... I kept rocking to the left side.. I said are you going to gym? She said yes, and i said what if i faint though and what if I need to go to hospital as doctors closed as I am feeling extremely off balance (I never go to hospital or doctors I avoid them as I am so so scared of them due to fear of germs so its last thing I want but this feeling is really quite scary).. and she said no I have the gym to go to .. I would drop you off.. what you'd leave your daughter with a phobia/fear of germs at a hospital for 2 hours, all I kept thinking was selfish, selfish woman ! Anyway off topic, I went back upstairs, sat in bed and was messaging people with my head bent to right as whenever I put it up straight I'd be off balance and left side of my head would hurt.. I am very nervous and scared to even consider getting out of bed and it took me ages to finally feel as if I could type on my laptop.. I'm petrified to be honest.... I really am hoping nothing wrong but I had a dizzy spell when I was just sitting before bed last night, i was sitting in bed when suddenly felt as if my bed was moving but I put it down to tiredness.. agh i am so frightened :(

---------- Post added at 09:41 ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 ----------

I should also point out I had ringing in my ears on and off yesterday and if I am quiet.. not typing etc. I have a very faint roaring sound I can hear.. I am so scared, hope it's nothing that can harm me or make me ill (phobic!) pray I will be fine :(

03-02-13, 15:21
It sounds as though you have an inner ear imbalance and they are very scarey especially if you have not had one before. I get quite a few of these, especially as I get older, in fact I am taking tablets for one now. You can buy tablets that treat travel sickness which should do the trick if it continues. In the meantime try not to put your head in the position that causes the dizziness and only sleep on the side that doesn't affect it. Also when getting out of bed rise slowly and sit on the edge of the bed for a minute to make sure you are steady before standing. You could see your Doctor who will decide exactly what inner ear disorder your have. I do hope you get rid of it soon as it is very unnerving.