View Full Version : Really Worried with Headache and jaw ache

03-02-13, 09:39
I have been suffering from bad headaches since November last year, and it also gives me bad earache and jaw ache, I thought it could be teeth related but dentist doesn't seem to, been docs couple of times and think they must think I have lost the plot, but its really horrible and affecting how I am feeling.
I have now got BP tablets that help with tension headaches and they have been helping but last night woke with really bad pains in my jaw and gums/headache and my head hurts again today. I am really worried its something more severe as not normally a headache sufferer. I have been stressed lately and am mixed up hormone wise cos I tried a mini pill that made me feel really ill which didn't help! Anyone else suffered with this, doc initially said TMJ. So I am confused.com:weep:

03-02-13, 10:05
It sounds like TMJ to me which is what I have, nothing serious, have a google xx

03-02-13, 10:47
What do you take for it, as not a lot seems to help...

03-02-13, 11:21
Same here as I have some weeks it's bad sometimes not so bad but annoying :-(

03-02-13, 15:22
ibuprofen and I had a tooth guard made x

Brazil Bill
04-02-13, 15:56
TMJ is unbelievably common. I have suffered on and off for the past 4-5 years. It started off with a feeling of pressure in my right ear, and then I started getting tightness and pain around the jaw socket, down my next and even into my shoulder! Needless to say, it depends on how the HA is playing up but you can certainly relax and consider it a sign of tension/stress.

Unfortunately, this kind of tension occurs without you have any real control over it - particularly if you grind your teeth like I do (no matter how many times I try and stop myself doing it). It's not life threatening but it does get you down, I can sympathize.

04-02-13, 16:14
i dont know about the headaches but if you suffer from anxiety a lot of people tend to clench their jaw together a lot when anxious or stressed without noticing it which usually caused the jaw to ache lot . i have the same symptoms as you and i do clench my jaw lots :) :yesyes:

semper solus
04-02-13, 16:17
I to had the same symptoms and have TMJ