View Full Version : What is this...? (anxiety at night)

03-02-13, 10:43
Last night I had a normal dream, and the last second it turned into something somewhat scary. Right after that, I woke up, and had palpitations, was anxious (pulled the sheets over my head and just wanted to have the lights on - also a bit worried about my heart but I knew that it would be ok). I fell asleep again after 15 minutes probably.

This has happened 2 times in 10 days... I know my anxiety/depression are worse right now, and I've been to the doctor 2 weeks ago, who took my blood so also measured my blood pressure etc., but should I visit him again? And what is this? I read about nocturnal panic attacks, but it wasn't that extreme...

03-02-13, 18:21
i suffer from this all the time , i have just came off citalopram and am now on propranolol , I used to wake up after a normal dream in a sweat, heart racing and struggling to calm down. My doctor said this is common while being on tablets. i would mention that it keeps reoccurring. hope this help somehow ,i know its better to know that someone else has the same.. x

03-02-13, 19:49
Are you on any meds? I've been having frightening night episodes as well, odd dreams and cold sweats and such. Also have you changed you sleeping routine at all or diet recently.

04-02-13, 00:00
This happens to me too, I call them anxiety dreams. They happen to me when I've had three or more panic attacks in a week. What helped me the most was learning how to lucid dream..that way when you happen to have an anxiety dream its easier to know that you're dreaming and change it so that you are in control.
Also, if your results after the first tests came back normal you should be okay. If you start feeling really unwell it wouldn't hurt to go back.
Hope you feel better!