View Full Version : Maximum heart rate while anxiety/panic attack

03-02-13, 11:42
The highest of mine is 200 bmp, what about yours?

Is there any case that the heart rate goes above the limit and cause danger consequence?

03-02-13, 13:59
mine has been up at 200bpm during a panic attack

03-02-13, 15:15
What if it increases on and on? Is it anyway for a heart to be damaged by very fast heart beat? :(

03-02-13, 16:01
Yes but it would have to be beating very fast for quite a long time to do any damage. Don't forget when you panic and focus on your heart rate you will keep it high. Just try and forget it and don't check your pulse. It will only make you more anxious.

03-02-13, 16:14
Dr Claire Weekes said that a heart can withstand over 200bpm for hours without a problem. You look young in your pic (I am assuming it's you). The younger the heart, the healthier it is. I have never heard of anyone dying from heart problems due to panic attacks. This has always been my biggest fear, that and the breathing thing!

03-02-13, 22:27
230 so far, it makes my chest hurt :/
It is only a problem if your heart rate has been very high for hours, in that case you go to the doctor or the ER where they can give you some medication to slow down your heart rate, usually the monitor you first and might get you to try certain positions that can reduce your heart rate.

Lying down and then sitting back up can for some reason make your heart slow down/ go back to normal.
Also bearing down, like you might do on the toilet, just pushing your muscles can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate too.

04-02-13, 03:00
Thank you. I'm just scared in case we fear then the heart rate increases -> we still fear -> increases more and more and something's gonna happen

But my friend told me that the heart beats only in its limit. So it does have a limit.

05-02-13, 15:20
Yes but it would have to be beating very fast for quite a long time to do any damage.

..It is only a problem if your heart rate has been very high for hours, in that case you go to the doctor or the ER where they can give you some medication to slow down your heart rate, usually the monitor you first and might get you to try certain positions that can reduce your heart rate.

Now this post isn't helpful for either one of you, or for the OP. The reality is that the heart cannot damage itself from an Anxiety Attack, it is imposible, the only damage that the heart could have, was if you had heart disease or something, and you stressed, then yes, it could do some damage. A healthy human heart can beat fast for as long as it wants without any consequences. I always got scared when my Heart Rate went up to like 170 and stayed there for like 30 minutes, but the truth is, that it always comes down, and if it stays at 170 for 4 hours, it is because it can, otherwise it wouldn't do it. Here is the deal, a Heart Attack does produce Tachycardia, but only for a short period of time, i.e. you will get the tachy, but a few minutes after getting it, you pass out or faint. So if you have been tachycardic for say 30 minutes, then your heart isn't failing or anything, you are simply panicking, and your heart is doing what is supposed to do when given adrenaline. Your body simply cannot produce a dose of adrenaline for your heart to get damaged.

05-02-13, 17:05
Now this post isn't helpful for either one of you, or for the OP. The reality is that the heart cannot damage itself from an Anxiety Attack, it is imposible, the only damage that the heart could have, was if you had heart disease or something, and you stressed, then yes, it could do some damage. A healthy human heart can beat fast for as long as it wants without any consequences. I always got scared when my Heart Rate went up to like 170 and stayed there for like 30 minutes, but the truth is, that it always comes down, and if it stays at 170 for 4 hours, it is because it can, otherwise it wouldn't do it. Here is the deal, a Heart Attack does produce Tachycardia, but only for a short period of time, i.e. you will get the tachy, but a few minutes after getting it, you pass out or faint. So if you have been tachycardic for say 30 minutes, then your heart isn't failing or anything, you are simply panicking, and your heart is doing what is supposed to do when given adrenaline. Your body simply cannot produce a dose of adrenaline for your heart to get damaged.

You are right. I appreciate your knowledge :D I also do believe that it does have a limit

05-02-13, 22:28
I think this all relates to health anxiety as we fear that we're suffering a heart attack when it feels like our hearts are pounding out of our chests. But even if you did hit 200bpm, Betty is right about Weekes' point that your heart is a very strong muscle and can withstand a lot. So don't be alarmed if you're reaching 200+ bpm when it's happening. Trust in yourself that it will not last forever and let your body do its thing.:)

06-02-13, 03:17
I think this all relates to health anxiety as we fear that we're suffering a heart attack when it feels like our hearts are pounding out of our chests. But even if you did hit 200bpm, Betty is right about Weekes' point that your heart is a very strong muscle and can withstand a lot. So don't be alarmed if you're reaching 200+ bpm when it's happening. Trust in yourself that it will not last forever and let your body do its thing.:)

Yeah It's still freaking me out but now I do believe that nothing bad happens :D

I use to worry about this too. but the truth is, a panic attack can NOT harm you. even if you worry about it and it increases and increases and increases. a panic attack is a survival mechanism, it's kept the human race alive for thousands of years.

You need to start believing it! a panic attack WILL NOT HARM YOU. NEVER. you aren't a exception! NO ONE has EVER died from a panic attack.

Something that might help is, during my first panic attack I had no idea what was going on and I was on drugs too. I panic attack almost solidly for over 2 hours. because it was my first one and I was on drugs my heart went well above 200 I can tell you that now. It so unbelievably fast, scared the life out of me, remember that I didn't know what a panic attack was or how to deal with it, so i just kept the panic up and it got worse and worse and worse and worse. but I'm still here. :) and I was on drugs too!

I know it's hard to believe but a panic attack can NOT and will NOT harm you EVER. sounds to good to be true but it is! smile and start believing it :) :hugs:

Thank youu. I also had an panic attack at 160bmp for hours and I'm still fine. But just to make sure.:roflmao:

It's nice to hearing that from you.

19-10-16, 20:43
I've been in the 160-170 range. There are techniques you can use to lower the heart rate. A heart rate that high could be SVT. Which is not deadly, but I would still recommend following up with a cardiologist. I have anxiety, panic attacks, and I believe SVT. Anxiety is just being anxious, we're all familiar with that, panic attacks happen out of nowhere, which is the difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack. Both can produce tachycardia. Heart rates above 150 however are more likely to be a function of the heart, versus just a surge of adrenaline and worry. Panic attacks can trigger SVT, or SVT can appear out of nowhere. Unfortunately the only way to diagnose SVT is to catch it on an ekg. Again, other than being scary, SVT is not going to kill you or damage your heart unless, you have some kind of underlying heart condition, so check it out, but don't worry too much about it.

Now for the good part.
Valsalva or vagal maneuvers can force your heart out of SVT.
Here are some videos that demonstrate these techniques. These techniques work anywhere between 15-45% of the time. There are also incredibly effective medicines, and even procedures, which effectively cure SVT.

youtube .com/watch?v=8DIRiOA_OsA
youtube .com/watch?v=EtOw5nBShcE

24-10-16, 02:08
Mine use to go up to 140-150. I started exercising though and now if I have full blown panic it's anywhere from 90 to 110. My resting HR is now 52. All I do is brisk walk @ 4.5mph for 30 Mins everyday. Some days I throw in an extra 10 minutes

24-10-16, 11:54
I've not taken my heart rate while having an anxiety attack as heart problems aren't one of my fears anymore. A few years ago I was obsessed and now I couldn't care les what my heart is doing (unfortunately I've moved on to other physical anxiety obsessions). However, I've had my heart rate > 170bpm for long periods when exercising and its fine. I used to run half marathon distances so I'm sure it was high for over 2 hours.

Its a very weird sensation to have a racing heart while being physically still. I used to get up and dance about or run around the house with the dog which worked really well, although I prob looked nuts :)

25-10-16, 12:24
I've not taken my heart rate while having an anxiety attack as heart problems aren't one of my fears anymore. A few years ago I was obsessed and now I couldn't care les what my heart is doing (unfortunately I've moved on to other physical anxiety obsessions). However, I've had my heart rate > 170bpm for long periods when exercising and its fine. I used to run half marathon distances so I'm sure it was high for over 2 hours.

Its a very weird sensation to have a racing heart while being physically still. I used to get up and dance about or run around the house with the dog which worked really well, although I prob looked nuts :)

Sounds a way to combat it, I have bee regular runner for 18 months again and 1 panic attack has stopped me. I need to find some mental strength, my HR was 160 to 170 for a 10k at least 3 or 4 times a week and now I'm scared to walk too fast!!

25-10-16, 20:31
Sounds a way to combat it, I have bee regular runner for 18 months again and 1 panic attack has stopped me. I need to find some mental strength, my HR was 160 to 170 for a 10k at least 3 or 4 times a week and now I'm scared to walk too fast!!

Yep, I'm having a relapse and experiencing exactly the same thing! Its not my heart that bothers me now, its having a dizzy spell and fainting (even though I've never fainted). I used to do ParkRun every week too then I started getting really panicky in the crowd so I stopped. I long for the days back when I could just get out of the house and run out into the countryside with no fear :(

Its rubbish how anxiety can just totally make you feel like you're starting from scratch again.

I hope you feel better soon and can get back to your 10ks x