View Full Version : bad memory and anxiety, anyone else..?

Miss lexx
03-02-13, 12:41
Hi All,
Since I had the panic attack that triggered my anxiety i've been suffering depersonalisation which is very disturbing, not only that my memory is really distant as in all my memories seem so far back. I am really scared that my memory is going to go completely. I am on Citalopram and have been for 16 days now, These thoughts are taking up a lot of my day which is hard when I have 3 Children and 33 weeks pregnant. Just wanted any advice anyone has to offer or if anyone has the same or similar problems.. could this just be Anxiety ..? Thank you for taking time to read.. xx

03-02-13, 13:21
Hi i to suffer with HA and have done for 3 years had lots of symptoms same as you discribe. Memory is shocking at times, forget where iv put things what i am saying and said and the latest one is i cant get the words out i want to say.
Already have 2 children and just had another a week old today and my anxiety is back big time. Pressure in head shooting pains in head convincing myself its a brain tumour. Take care its just anxiety playing mind tricks and pregnancy doesnt help. xx:hugs:

Miss lexx
03-02-13, 13:41
Hi Shelley,
Thanks for your reply it is a little comforting to know that i'm not the only one with memory problems. I too think the worst and that its a brain tumour. I'm also Finding it hard to except that this is all Anxiety and not something more serious as i've only just become this bad and i'm 28. I have always been a worrier and worried about people close to me dying and i have also been under a lot of stress in the last year so its hardly surprising this is happening so why cant i accept it..? I feel so different.. Thanks for your help..x