View Full Version : Hello there :)

03-02-13, 12:56
Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself so am starting here with my first post :)

I came looking for a forum because sometimes I really need to talk about my anxiety, and talking to loved ones is not always the best option because they grow weary (and I don't blame them).

For about 6 years I've been suffering with anxiety on and off. I'm ok at managing it, but my stress levels are quite high at the moment and I need some release.

My main difficulty is health anxiety, as well as just general anxiety about everything and anything.

At the moment I've been going through some health problems that have resulted in a lot of vertigo and feeling plain awful every day. The last two months have been hellish. I know that my stress levels really don't help me, and will make things much worse, but I am struggling to keep them down. I tend to self diagnose, visit the GP a lot, and try to think of every possible thing to do to make myself feel better. But I end up googling problems and answers, and get lost in a mess of wondering what's wrong and what on earth the answer will be! I have no patience at all for feeling bad, I always get scared when I don't find instant relief!

I often find myself frozen when I'm feeling anxious - I have learned a lot of things that I know will help me, but I struggle to get moving by myself and feel stuck in my bad feelings. I feel I need a lot of support at the moment. I'd like to learn to be able to motivate myself, and I'm working on it, but I know it will take time.

I'm seeing a therapist every few weeks, and it helps. I wish I could see her more often but I just don't have the money. I also have learned a lot about anxiety over the years, and have recognised the need for me to really work on relaxation and lifestyle methods that will help alleviate my problems. It's just that some days it's hard, especially with this vertigo!! I find myself crying a lot lately, and feeling more depressed rather than anxious.

Last week I went to a see GP recommended by my therapist, he specialises in treating anxiety and depression but by looking at the whole body instead of just treating the symptoms. He asked me a bunch of questions that no one had ever asked me in relation to anxiety before, but he told me that my answers all pointed at too much copper and too little zinc in my body.

Apparently this imbalance can cause anxiety problems, and he says he treats plenty of cases like mine each year. So he is sending me for blood tests to check the levels of heavy metals in my body, to check out if he is right or wrong. He says that this may be the reason why despite all the work I do on myself, I've never fully been able to escape anxiety or why my stress levels jump up so very quickly compared to other people.

I am hoping it will lead to some answers, but I know enough not to pin all my hopes on it as a cure. Even if it does help, I know I will have to continue to work on myself and my mental health for the rest of my lifetime, just to keep myself happy.

I guess I came to the forum because I really, really, really need to talk some days! I often feel so lonely, I don't have many friends and my husband, Mum & one of my aunts are the only people I can talk to about my struggles. They are very helpful, but I know sometimes I can be very trying and I hate to burden them.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here, having some chats and sharing the things I've learned over the years. I hope to make some friends, help people out and be helped in return when I'm struggling. I guess I'm really feeling the need for some community or support right now.

Sorry about the long intro, I guess I had a lot to say! X

03-02-13, 13:07
Hi HoneyLove

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-02-13, 13:32
A very big warm :welcome: to you.x

03-02-13, 14:33
welcome to NMP honeylove

03-02-13, 17:55
Hi, I'm new here too. Welcome and I hope we get to know each other a bit better. My main issue is panic disorder and my family and husband get weary of me too so I can understand how you feel. Anyway, hope this helps us both!

03-02-13, 21:46
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


03-02-13, 22:34
Welcome to the forum :)

04-02-13, 10:01
Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone, this is a nice friendly forum :)

04-02-13, 10:13
hi Honey how are you feeling today ??

04-02-13, 17:37
Sorry masiesmumx, I didn't see your message until now! Thanks to asking :) I'm feeling ok today, having a bit of a struggle because of my vertigo, but I'm doing lots of meditation, relaxation and breathing work to keep myself in a positive place. I find my mood goes up and down a lot, right now I'm feeling a bit down but my husband is on his way home from work so I know that will cheer me right up in a while :)

semper solus
04-02-13, 17:43
Welcome enjoy your stay at NMP

N is for Nice, M is for magical,and P is for people :D