View Full Version : So so angry i could kill someone, help

03-02-13, 13:15
Iv been on this medication for a week.I started of with a 1\4 of the min dose.slept well and no real side effects the next day..after 3 days I increased to 1\2 min does tablet..slept well , next day felt slightly spacey and a bit more irritated than norm.day 4 and 5 up to 3\4 of the min dose and slept heavy and woke very hungover and didnt want to even get out of bed..good you might think,,, WRONG,, because I now am feeling like I could kill someone if they say the wrong thing to me, I just feel SOOOOO wound up and very agetated I cant stand it whst the hell is it with meds and me. I NEVERR GET a calm effect.my doc gave me these and said they are a sleep aid and will help with my derealization etc,, How god dam wrkng he was, even on these small amounts I get the worse poss side effects..Ge told me there is no load amount on these, it just takes a few days and you should feel a calming difference..please so eone give me something to bekeive in because im getting in a very big hole with all this, I realy am sick of it all,,Everything and Anything is realy realy winding me up to the max I cant hide from it I just do not knowvwhat to do....

03-02-13, 18:28
Drinking on meds is a bad idea, they won't have the edited affect.

03-02-13, 20:15
I never said I had a drink..not sure where you got that from..I dont drink A/H..

03-02-13, 20:23
I think Harvestmouse may have got confused when you said 'hungover' but you meant from the meds. Greg I am so sorry you are still feeling no better, maybe it is early days yet for the new meds to take their full effect. I know it is really hard waiting for new meds to sort themselves out and even worse for you because of how you were feeling before. I wish there was more I could do or say to help you but all I can do is send a hug :hugs: I really hope these meds settle soon for you so that you can feel some relief from all this.

03-02-13, 21:13
greg it is probably the depression that is making you feel the way you are.

For some reason, my stress levels have shot through the roof this last few days and it's turning me into something else!!!!!:mad:

When I saw my psychiatrist, as I was having the same problem, she told me it was the depression that was making me feel stressed and short tempered.

Give it time, I know it's awful and hell, but hang in there.

Try to just keep yourself as calm as you can, I'm having to do that right now too so I know it's not easy.

If push comes to shove..........get a hold of your pillow and just beat the living daylights out of it...........sounds funny, but it works, I've done it several times, it just releases all the pent up tension in you :)

03-02-13, 21:34
You should call your doctor, if you are feeling this angry the meds just might not be for you.
Everyone responds differently to meds and you seem to be suffering from far too much anger and that isn't good.
Meds too in some people can increase depression so it's best you talk all this over with your doctor.
Only you know how you were before you started the meds and i feel that you would know better than anyone if the meds might be making you worse .

03-02-13, 22:06
Yes guys thankyou AGAIN for your words..I just dont understsnd how I csn be given the min dose , but only take 1\2 of that min amount, and get such drastic effects, I can feel very heavy waves of dizzyness and unhappyness pulsing through me, its so intence, on such a small dose it fells lime its not getting any less from when I woke this morning,, Im going back to the hostpital doctor tom am and hope he comes up with a sulution...

03-02-13, 23:11
I hope the doctor is able to do something to help you tomorrow Greg, please let us know how you get on :hugs:

04-02-13, 18:11
Apologies Greg, I misread your post, hope you are getting help, meds can be tough.

04-02-13, 20:51
aw good luck at the hospital, hope the doctor helps you.

04-02-13, 23:18
Hi Greg I hope you got something sorted at the Doctors.

Hope you don't mind me saying this but I'm trying to help. When you were prescribed Trazodone you didn't take the dose recommended to treat depression and anxiety which is 150mg you were only taking 50mg, that dose wasn't going to help you.

You've changed meds and are only taking half of the dose prescribed by your Doctor, which you say is the minimum dose. Half of the minimum dose is not going to work so that's why you're ill.

When you have headache you take 2 X 500mg paracetomol if you were to only take half of one pill it wouldn't touch your headache. Do you get where I'm coming from?

Please don't think I'm having a go, it's just something that's stood out to me in several of your posts as we started Trazodone at the same time.

Hope to hear from you soon and that the Doctor was of help