View Full Version : Eye flashes, visual trails and visual snow

03-02-13, 13:38
I can't take it anymore! I went to the eye doctor two weeks ago and they dilated my eyes and looked in my eye and she said everything looked normal. Apparently I have 20/20 vision. I am constantly seeing flashes and things always trail when I move or when the object moves and I see static everywhere. I don't have headaches, I had an MRI last month which was normal but i'm wondering if its related to the back of my neck/brain stem area. When I move my head a certain way or move my head up and down my vision gets all fuzzy and then I see lines everywhere. I've been seeing more and more static and its getting worse. I noticed yesterday that my eyes looked kind of yellowish which kind of made me wonder what the heck could be wrong but I am always dizzy and unbalanced so I don't know if that could relate with the vision thing or not.

I know walgreens sells medication that is minerals for your eyes, would that help at all? I really hate the visual snow and vision trailing. Anything I can do at all for my eyes?