View Full Version : wow what happened?

04-09-06, 12:33
Ok im 31 and im having some real big issues.

4 years ago i was an active outdoor pursuits instructor. i had great social life and could seriously not wish for anything else.

Today, i have missed work again and am struggling to make my way in tomorrow.

I changed jobs a few years ago to make some more money so my girlfriend and i could get married. I took a 60 hour a week night time security job.

2 years later i got glandular fever followed by chronic fatigue syndrome. I put on 4 stone in weight, lost all my social life and friends and my partner and i in to a lot of debt.

Today, i no longer have chronic fatigue syndrome but i have been left with agoraphobia, anxiety attacks and the doctor says i also have OCD and hypochondria.

I have been on and off work for the last 2 years and it has now got to the stage that im going to lose my latest job.

If i do i wont be able to pay the mortgage etc and i dont know what im going to do. My girlfriend is disabled and im classed as her full time carer yet she does everything for me!

Shes going in to hospital for a major operation next week and will be away for 2 weeks. I dont know how im going to manage with the daily chores as i can barely bring myself to get up in the mornings.

My doctor says i need to come in and see her but i have such problems getting out of the house, i dont know how too. The doctor will not do home visits.

The last time i went out of the house, i ended up in a large road rage incident at a set of traffic lights and its set me back more than i ca say.

I feel i just need a routine which i feel safe with but i cant get a breathing space to start one.

At least all this worry is helping me lose weight.
Shes going in to hospit

04-09-06, 13:28

You have had lots to deal with and its not surprising that you are struggling.

Doesn't sound like you are currently getting any real practical help for your panic and agoraphobia like CBT or a CPN support which may help you.

Try to break each task down to a number of smaller steps that you can tackle one by one as often the whole task ahead of you is far too overwhelming to even contemplate and give yourself plenty of time and make it as easy as possible during this difficult time.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

You will manage as daily chores can be downgraded to a minimum when there is only one person in a house.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

04-09-06, 18:36
you must be a really strong person to go through this, as meg said small steps,
one day at a time, you will get there im sure.
i wish your girlfriend good luck with her op also, she will be home before you know it. you can find comfort and support on here aswell.
can you try and change your gp? they dont sound as if they are getting you the support you need right now.

we are all stronger people after having this

04-09-06, 20:05

Firstly, I don't believe you have 'hypochondria'- I think it's all too often used as a diminuitive word for someone with health anxiety- and the fact that your doctor said that sounds like he/she is not sympathetic or understanding of your feelings- change doctors!
And as was previously said, write down every little thing you'll need to do and tick it off as you do each task- not only will this focus you, but you'll be spurred on and get satisfaction when you look at that bit of paper and SEE the progress!

Good Luck!