View Full Version : FLYING

03-02-13, 18:50
i use to absolutley love flying id demand a window seat so i could enjoy the view, since my first panic attack 10 years ago ive only flown once it was a total nightmare i could not sit still i was sort of fiting/choking etc , it ruined the holiday as i was dreading the flight back the whole week, even looking at a plane in the sky made my head spin it totally wrecked my nervous system for about a month.
i cant bare the thought of never flying again in my life i so want to go to america again , if i have kids i want to be able to take them away.
i no all about these courses u can go on , and im already on diazepam my bodys so use to it , it would not calm me down.
so what happens if your hypnotised ?? is this the answer for me ? how would i no that if i get to the airport im gunna be able to get on that plane , its all causing me a lot of anxiety at the mo

03-02-13, 19:06
Have a read of this :


I had hypnotherapy for it as well

06-02-13, 20:07
so how expensive is this treatment and does it really work ??

08-02-13, 10:03
any body ?