View Full Version : Coming off of Escitalopram.

silent bob
04-02-13, 04:01
Hi all, i have been debating for a while when/how to come off of escitalopram. I have finally decided today is the day as i missed a dose this morning. I'm going with the 'one day on one day off' approach and seeing how i go... its 9 hours past my dosage time and im feeling pretty good about it... no ill side effects at all except that i think i may not sleep tonight.... esc made me super tired but unable to get good sleep but hopefully coming off will help alleviate the feeling tired all the time.

Anywho i'll keep you all updated as to how this particular approach goes and hopefully it works :)

04-02-13, 08:28
Hey Silent, keep me posted as this is what im thinking too. What dosage are you on?

04-02-13, 08:43
Is your doctor aware you're coming off? I personally find that cutting the tablets in half is a good way of weaning off. Your doctor will be able to recommend the best way for you to wean off. Do you feel like your anxiety has pretty much gone now? I'm on standard cit not escit - I was on 10mg for nearly 6 months. The doctor said to cut them in half for 4 weeks. I'm now on day 11 of the half dose and doing fine. :)

silent bob
04-02-13, 09:49
heya guys, im on 10mm and have been for a few months now... i feel alot more in control but the esc is messing with certain parts of my life so i wanna come off it. My doc and my psych don't know i'm coming off coz i've stopped seeing both of them (too poor to go) but its not going too badly... mega tired atm but so restless i cant stop shakin my arm sand legs it's like i have a huge amount of energy but so lethargic... kinda like when i was first starting them minus the harsh derealization feelings.

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ----------


04-02-13, 13:40
Hey guys - im on 10mg cipralex which is the equiv to 20mg citalopram. I had a chat with my therapist this morning. I am not cured, I still get panic. Not half as much as I used to but I do still get it. Ive been on meds for 15 years and im too young to be on them forever. I said to her that if i still get panic on them ill be much worse on them. She says that the meds cant be helping that much so why not try to reduce to 5 over a period of time then see how I go.
Silent thats a shame you cant see your doc. Im glad your doing ok. I also dont like feeling like ive not always got my wits about me. Im going to alternate between 5 and 10 for a while before going onto 5 and then i wil go from there.
Silent, can you do something to use up your energy till it passes?

04-02-13, 16:49
Good luck Bob (and Babs) if you do decide to come off Cipralex...I never had nay probs coming off normal Citalopram by halving my pills and eventually missing days till I was off and was on it 4 years the longest. Hope all goes really well for you both (:

04-02-13, 17:19
Hi Karen
thanks for that - that makes me hopeful

silent bob
05-02-13, 05:16
Heya guys... screw that im back on the meds, not ready to come off of them yet.. only 2 days in and i got hit with wicked rebound depression :(

05-02-13, 11:09
so sorry to hear Bob ):

05-02-13, 13:12
Hey Bob
How are you doing? dont beat yourself up about it. Do you want to come off? Why not try 10mg then 5mg alternating for a while

05-02-13, 17:34
Sorry to hear that Bob. :weep: At least you now know that the tablets must be working for you. Take care of yourself and take as long as you need to get better. There is no rush to come off this medication.

When you are ready to come off them again, I'd recommend cutting the tablets in half and weaning off that way. That is the way I'm doing it and I haven't had any major problems with it (well, not yet anyway!) These medications are designed to be taken every day, so if you miss doses out it could cause your brain to get confused! So I'd say cut them in half for a few weeks, then into quarters if possible. It's a shame you are no longer in contact with your doctor, as I'm sure they would be able to offer you better guidance. :)

silent bob
08-02-13, 10:27
heya guys, i think i should be stayin on em a while... since missing 2 days then startin again my anxiety has skyrocketed a little... been gettin constant chest pain and flutters... on the bonus side i started exercising today :) got half way around the block and felt like i was havin a heart attack, chest pains and light headedness like you wouldnt believe... maybe im a little unfitter than i had anticipated lol