View Full Version : Lymphoma?? Itchy skin

04-02-13, 09:58
I have been suffering from health anxiety for years. It can go away then come back. It went away recently for a good few weeks. Now yesterday my legs were itchy and now my whole body seems to be a bit itchy. Its not really itchy all the time. I read that itchy skin is a symptom of lymphoma so now i am terrified. I am gettin married in a few months and this is ruining everything. Wish it would go away forever and i can get on with my life. Is the lymphoma itch constant? And does it make you tear the skin off all the time? Please help. I am 25 years old and need some reassurance

04-02-13, 10:42
I'm no doctor, but I'm sure anyone will tell you.. Lymphoma does not present itself as just itchy skin.

There are 100's of reasons your skin could be itchy, and I'm sure Lymphoma is the least likely. Perhaps a detergent your using in your wash, a new bodywash your using ? It really could be anything, but I'm sure it's nothing sinister.

If it gets unbearable, just see your GP to maybe get some cream. Or pop down to your local chemist, they might be able to direct you.

I hope it just goes away for you though.

04-02-13, 14:01
Anxiety can definitely cause itchy skin. I have been really worried about this symptom before and when I stop obsessing over it, it magically goes away! Dry skin caused by the cold winter weather and having the central heating on can also result in itchiness. Make sure you moisturise your body every day, try to relax and I'm sure it will improve.

Good luck and enjoy your wedding!

04-02-13, 20:40
I worry about itchy skin being a sign of something serious and this usually makes me more itchy so I worry more. I completely forget that sometimes we just itch and it's perfectly normal. As r90 said above, dry skin is so common this time of year with cold weather and central heating blasting out. I have dry lips at the mo, something I get every year at this time, but because of my HA, I thought I had skin cancer on my lip, rather than just a sore patch which is taking time to get better because I keep poking it.

Lymphoma is my most common self-diagnosis, mainly because almost any symptom fits. Even "no symptoms" is a symptom! Our imaginations can be very active when it comes to HA. Please stop worrying and enjoy planning your wedding. It's a wonderful time and you don't want to miss any of it xx

05-02-13, 10:46
I was fine for weeks aswell and felt great and now its back. Your replies have eased my mind a bit so thank you. I'm going to try and not think about it and hope it will disappear plus not google as i know google makes it worse. I need to enjoy planning the rest of my wedding and i wil :)