View Full Version : How to get moving when you feel stuck?

04-02-13, 10:06
Hi everyone,

Over the years I have learned lots of techniques that I know will help me with my anxiety levels. But sometimes, if I am feeling very stressed, I find it very difficult to get moving and feel stuck just thinking about how bad I feel. So I end up dwelling on it instead of trying to change it.

Does this happen to you? And if so, how do you get yourself moving?

I've been told that this is the point at which you really have to push yourself hard to keep going, but I find it ever so difficult to do.

I've started writing notes to myself, to remind me that I can feel better If I just relax and breathe and allow the tension to ease. It helps a little!

04-02-13, 11:07
I've been finding this happening to myself over the last couple of days. Doesn't seem to matter what I do the feelings won't shift.
Saying that if I can distract myself by getting involved in something else it goes away while I'm doing that thing e.g. Watching a film, playing a game, anything where my brain has to concentrate of something other than how I feel.
Hope this helps you too, and the feelings do pass but it's hard to believe that at the time!
Good luck

04-02-13, 20:47
Thanks for your reply CelticZebra, I think you're probably on to something there. It might be easier to just ease into action with something simple like watching my favourite movie rather than trying to batter down the anxiety with loads of stress reducing techniques! At times like that it's probably best to be gentle and just take it easy. Thank you x