View Full Version : Back here again!

04-09-06, 14:15
Well this is my first time to this website and I just want to say how impressed I am by it. I am off to phone the medication hotline in Maudsley and I am inspired by the amount of info covered on this site. However I am extremely pxxxxd off that I find myself unwell and tied up in knots with my anxiety again. I am really annoyed that I did not see it coming and know that I am going to have to fight my way out it again. I am contemplating medication but am resistant, it has helped before but it is hell going on and coming off, however I am not happy to have my life restricted by anxiety. I have coped with anxiety for as long as I can remember after a major life event and believe it or not my job is to support others with anxiety - all the more reason to be annoyed that once again I am back in this horrible place. AAAAGH!


04-09-06, 14:22
Hi Nicola

Welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here. This is a brilliant site and I dont#t know where I would be without it.

Take care

Elaine x

04-09-06, 14:25
Yes, welcome Nicola, I hope someone can help you to find a resolution to your anxiety. There is one, you just have to find it.[^]


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

04-09-06, 14:30
Thanks for the info on alphadynamics - is this NLP? If it is i have heard lots about it but don't know if it effective or not. Have you tried NLP?


04-09-06, 14:36
I tried NLP a few years ago and also hypnotherapy. They both seemed useful but I couldn't afford more than a few sessions.

I think the alphadynamics system is a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP plus some other stuff but it is a one off cost which is what appealed to me, and fortunately it worked - nearly 7 months now and no anxiety or PAs! It is really great to have myself back again[^]


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

polly daydream
04-09-06, 16:28
Hi Nicola and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


04-09-06, 16:29
Hi Nicola

Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of support here.


04-09-06, 17:35
Hi Nicola my anxiety crept up on me this time too!!! You can bet it won't creep away tho it will go kicking and screaming. This is a brilliant site especially when your down.