View Full Version : heart missing jumping running

04-02-13, 13:55
Hi all
I wondered if anyone could help, you see I have had heart missed beats for many many years, at the very least 14, I remeber 14 as my daughter is 14 and when she was born my heart was banging and jumping so hard it actually moved me, physically !!,and I am the Dad !!
I had a test some 10 years ago, stress echo ecg and 24 hour tape, all came back fine, I carried on, 2 years ago I had all the same again, and again all was fine, 2 weeks ago I had to see my Doctor AGAIN, because this bout just isnt going away, all fine, PERFECT blood pressure, so she said, and I made her repeat that haha and NORMAL to listening to my heart, which she said she heard an ectopic as she was checking me out.
Ok so the intelligent will notice I have had these well over 14 years ( more likely 20 odd) , last full test 2 years ago with the same results as the one 8 years previous, Doctor says all is normal if not perfect? so ? well I just finished chainsawing some wood and it went mental, banging racing all the bizzo,now as I am calming down it is missing one in three beats, almost a regular missed beat if that makes sense, now the sensible part of me says ' ok, so you had tests told it is fine, move on' the health anxiety side of me says ' just what and when makes things different enough to see a doc AGAIN?' and why wont this episode ( about 3/4 months now) go away like all the others have, is it different or is it more serious ?
does anyone else get them more when exersizing or doing strenous work ?
any suggestions, other than go to the Doctor because I get embarressed as I go so often, unless of course you think it might be serious this time ?
Basically ? HELP

Daisy Sue
04-02-13, 16:02
hi Chris... i've just gone through the same symptoms and associated panic as this, and have thankfully heard that my ECG and the 24hr heart monitor results were normal.

however, like you, missed heartbeats were felt not only by me, but confirmed by the gp too...

so, i'm taking from my experience, and from things i've read up on recently, missed beats, irregular beats, palpitations etc can all be normal... i think we need to do the sensible thing when these symptoms are first felt, ie get the tests done, but with good, normal results, we need to relax, and just put it down to our weird individual heart behaviour..

i haven't read your past posts, but if you're an anxiety sufferer, you're prone to this kind of thing even more, and like with anyone who does exercise, the heart rate and strength of beats will be higher/stronger until it comes back to resting level.