View Full Version : a question about dizziness!

04-02-13, 16:41
Hi All,

I was wondering what other peoples dizziness felt like,
I have had the sudden light headiness that comes and goes quickly,
but on occasion such as now i am getting more of a spinning feeling which is causing me to panic.
It is horrible and makes me scared to move incase i collapse and causes my heart to race and jelly legs.
I find it worse with certain movements/positions and lying down seems worse, it feels like ive been drinking.
I know the worrying isnt helping but i am worried that this is more than anxiety x

---------- Post added at 16:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ----------

Is dizziness a common symptom of anxiety or should i be worried its something else causing it?
only i notice when people post about dizziness there doesnt seem to be many replys.
I guess i am looking for some answers and some reassurance.

Does anyone out there have any experience of this?


04-02-13, 16:48
I am dealing with dizziness at the minute. It started off spinning vertigo and now it's more like rocking on a boat type dizziness. Mines worse if I bend or move quick and also getting headaches.
I think it is common with anxiety, there are loads of posts about dizziness and vertigo.

04-02-13, 17:04
i get two types of dizziness ones with fear if ive got to go out,(ive not been out on my own for nearly 28 years)thats a woozy feeling which subsides when ive got back home and calmed down.the other dizzyness i found out was to do with the eustatian tube in the ear it,that one is real i laid on my back flat on the floor on the 25th of october and the room spun around only for a few seconds but left me with a sensation of being pulled to the right,couldnt look up or down left or right walk around or get comfy anyway at all horible feeling squelching in my right ear i have been like it since then so its been three months have used my nascort spray which is slowly helping last round of it took six months to clear,through worrying about it so much i caused myself to feel even worse (i stopped eating hardly anything for two months through fear even though ive had it before lots of times over 20 odd years or so then ended up feeling really bad with hunger pains terrible indigestion ibs)plus making the dizziness worse with irrational thoughts,hope you feel better soon know exactly how it feels and very frightening hugs linda

04-02-13, 17:08
Thanks for reply.

I am getting the spinning feeling especially when bending forward or lying down, so trying not to move to much at the moment.

Its really annoying because i had a really good weekend and felt quite well for the first time in ages.

Its hard not to panic as i know it will make it worse.


04-02-13, 17:16
you may laugh at this,but i do this, they say think of somthing else nice but i found that hard to do as my mind wanders around as ive not much too nice to think about lol but if i have to stand up or do anthing bathing toilet cooking anything i thought of a brick wall and just kept sayind brick wall over and over in my head,it works to a degree as your brain cant think anthing if your saying somthing in your head or out loud as ive done lol my teenagers thought i was barmey but thats how i got eating again i said brick wall all through meal time too

04-02-13, 17:29
Maybe i should try that lol

It is really hard trying to concentrate on something else when your head is spinning.

When i bend down i feel im going to end up flat on my face!

I know it will get better eventually but wish it would hurry up.


04-02-13, 17:37
i know what you mean by feeling like falling when you bend i sat that rigid i looked ridiculous and caused lots of aches and pains with sitting so tense waiting for what might happen next, every hour feels like an eternity,but it will go away hugs linda

04-02-13, 17:41

I notice you mention that it helped you to start eating again,
can i ask why you were having problems eating was it to do with the dizziness as i have also been struggling to eat recently x

04-02-13, 17:50
hello,yes the dizzyness got me so scared i couldnt eat,in fact i couldnt do anything.the stomache is a muscle and it got all tensed up so not much apetite, but more so as it made me feel more panicky all the time than normally i am, so nausea set in stomace hurt when i ate,im back eating ok now mostly,it was after two months of the dizzyness i got mad with it and said i know brick wall im blocking all daft thoughts out sounds crazy but it really did help me,the dizzyness was there but i blocked thoughts to start moving and eating hugs linda

04-02-13, 17:58
I can understand that, i find the dizziness makes me feel sick and i cant eat.

I have been feeling really anxious lately and this also affects my appetite as my stomach feels really uneasy.

Its a vicious circle cause not eating doesn't help either.

Take care
Helen x

04-02-13, 18:04
thats right as not eating causes low blood sugar,makes more dizzyness and anxiety like you said vicious circle,hugs linda

04-02-13, 21:52
Hi Helen, I had this a few weeks ago and it made my anxiety really bad! I was brave and went to the docs, he gave me a nose spray and it worked!! Sometimes when you have a cold, a little bit of fluid can build in your inner ear, causing vertigo, hope you feel better son Hun xxx

04-02-13, 22:14
Hi Helen, yes anxiety can make you dizzy, but if you get it when you bend over or when you're lying down it may just be a classic case of vertigo. I remember reading something about how alcohol affects the inner ear, which may be why you have it after you have been drinking? i think thats quite common to happen. Might be time to talk to your doctor? They can help you treat it :)

I'm having trouble with dizziness at the moment too, mine is not caused by anxiety, but I notice that stress makes it a lot worse! It's a horrible sensation, I hope you get some help soon.

Oh and the trembling/jelly legs/heart racing - I know exactly what you mean! It's all part and parcel of the effect of vertigo on your body, it naturally sets your body's alarm bells ringing, so try to remember that if it happens again and do your best to remember it will pass and you don't need to panic.

A visit to the doctor is the best thing! X