View Full Version : Long Haul Flight!

04-02-13, 15:34
Ive got a 20 hour flight tomorrow afternoon & i'm sick to the stomach thinking about it, i've been worried about it ever since it was booked & now that it's tomorrow i'm a nervous wreck, vomitting & the usual sense of doom. Can anyone PLEASE ease my mind a little?

semper solus
04-02-13, 15:44

what specifically is it you don't like about flying??

04-02-13, 17:02
Gosh im gonna get hounded for saying this but my advice would have been - Not to book a 20 hour flight! unless its for emergency reasons, like family ill abroad???I have traveled long haul before 12 & 13 hours BUT, that was before I was a panic attack sufferer!!! I get panicky looking at planes and think about being trapped and me freaking out trying to open the door! On a more productive note I think Ipod loads of music, energy sweets, water, blind folds and bachs herbal spray. GOSH my thoughts are with you.

04-02-13, 17:15
Hi Hun

Well done for booking the flight, you will be fine. I had 3 panic attacks on 3 separate flights and guess what nothing happened. Felt like I was stuck on the ceiling but soon came back down. 3/4 of the flight will be feeling the same as you. I found that telling the air stewardess how I felt made it loads better. When I fly now I take an interest in everything that's happening instead of shying away in a corner, get some Bachs Rescue Remedy it's really good. Don't let your anxieties and panic get the better of you.

Jackie x

semper solus
04-02-13, 17:25
My other half hates flying with a passion she gets panic attacks and all sorts. My hand is white most of the flight where she grips it so much but we have been going on holidays all round the world for years. The thing I admire is although she hates it she will never let it beat her. She says I have got to do it if I want to see the world. Now that takes determination.

Be strong you can do it. If it's a holiday say to yourself on the flight wow I'm so lucky to be going away some people will go there whole lives and never get to step on a plane Enjoy it :winks: