View Full Version : Cant let anxiety ruin this!

04-02-13, 15:47
Hey guys, haven't posted here for a while, been doing really well and my therapist is great!
Theres a concert coming up in April that I really really want to go to, me and my friend are so excited about it. Its a 2 hour drive from me and we'll probably end up staying overnight. I am so nervous and I'm worrying that it will be a bad experience for me :(
I dont travel far, 30 mins in the car to somewhere is a struggle and I am working on that, it used to be a struggle to the shops!
I do not want my anxiety to ruin such an amazing chance. I will regret it so much if I dont go. Im not so worried about the crowds and the noise, its just travelling there and being out of my 'safe zone' for so long. Its not till April so I have time, can I overcome this?

04-02-13, 18:00
Hi you should try travelling a little further each month to try and get you use to it put don't push yourself. Hope you get to you concert x

eternally optimistic
04-02-13, 22:18
Yes, is the answer, you can overcome this.

You have given yourself all the reasons why you should go, "an amazing chance", "i will regret it so much".

I think you sound very determined to go and Kimberley is right, try and do bits of the journey as much as you can and then build up on this.

You are excited, as you say, and this is a good thing as so many of us dont get that feeling. I think this is showing your determination to overcome.

Good luck and keep telling yourself you can do it and that, it will not be such a challenge as you thought it might be.

Take care


04-02-13, 23:47
So many positives here!

Firstly, you are traveling 30 mins in a car and, as you say, going to the shops was a struggle so well done on getting this far :yesyes:

Secondly, you say that you and your friend are so excited about the trip - this is good news! And if you feel nervous, why not tell your friend?

Thirdly (and finally) as you say, it's not till April which means you have plenty of time to prepare for it. Your anxiety will not ruin an amazing chance - you've already said that you are not worried about the crowds and noise. My only concern, is there a spare ticket!?

Have fun, dance, laugh and report back to the forum - pictures, optional!

Take care,


05-02-13, 09:02
Thanks guys. I know that once I'm there and I'm 'settled in' as I like to call it, I'll be fine, once its starts I wont have time to worry. I just know there will be a build up of nerves till the day and its just the drive there, 2 hours in a car scares me. I do have plenty of time to prepare for this and I will try longer in the car :) Ive just missed so many opportunity's in the past and as you all know anxiety can put you off so many things. I am not letting it do it anymore!!