View Full Version : 1 week right side of head pressure

04-02-13, 19:50
Had this for 1 week now :( and it doesn't seem to be going..it's just above my right ear, and sometimes moves slightly forward and back behind the ear
It was worse, but it's still there and very noticeable also effecting my face as in it feels slightly swollen but it isn't, watery right eye from time to time!! :(
tell me what you think it could be?

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

Anyone get this? Please, it's really starting to freak me out. I read on google that I could be extreme risk of stroke?!!?
I know I shouldn't have googled but I can't help it when I don't get answers or even a reply.

04-02-13, 19:54
it maybe a build up from tension in your neck/back/shoulders and especially at the top of you neck leading to your head.

I've found a massage or a week keeps them at bay.

04-02-13, 20:05
I don't know what to do..
I've got like all the symptoms of brain tumor, pressure in head, tinnitus! and I'm not eating properly. I'm an absolute state at the moment. I'm really scared, but I don't know who to talk to about this.
When I see anxiety pressure I think of it as going away and coming, mine has pretty much been constant, and more noticeable on some occassions.
I'm fed up of having to live my life like this, and I know for a fact I'll never be the same.

04-02-13, 20:09
if you pay attention to it the longer it will stay is the issue.

Maybe going to your doctors get it cleared up that its not a brain tumour, once you've done that then you can focus on ridding the anxiety?

04-02-13, 20:21
Have you had a cold recently? It could be your sinuses? I get pressure on my temple sometimes with sinusitis and ear inflammation. It could also be tension in that area. Try dipping a facecloth in some hot water, wring it out, and then place it on the area for a little while. Repeat a couple of times, it will help with both tension and any sinus inflammation.

If you are worried about a risk of stroke then weigh up your options as logically as you can. Do you have any of the other risk factors for stroke, or is this your only symptom? If you've had this symptom for over a week and it hasn't gotten any worse, and you haven't had any other signs of stroke then is it really a risk for you? A visit to you doctor may help you clarify things.

It might help to do some breathing techniques to help yourself relax and cool down a little, it may reduce the tension. Try breathing in for 7 counts and breathing out for 11 counts - just normal breathing, not too deep. It will change the levels of carbon dioxide in your body and will help you to chill out. Then do something nice for yourself to distract yourself from focusing on that symptom, like put on your favourite funny film or TV show or have a nice hot bath with candles and relaxing music. Don't watch the news or watch any drama shows, what you need right now is some peace and positivity.

Feel better soon x

04-02-13, 20:53
well, I haven't had a cold, but I had a panic attack on Monday and since then I've had the pressure on the side of my head. I went to A&E of chest pains, and had quite a big panic attack.

I can't relax, I'm 21 at university and have a presentation to do tomorrow :(

04-02-13, 20:57
well, I haven't had a cold, but I had a panic attack on Monday and since then I've had the pressure on the side of my head. I went to A&E of chest pains, and had quite a big panic attack.

I can't relax, I'm 21 at university and have a presentation to do tomorrow :(

Ok it sounds like you're in a pretty tough place right now, but that's alright, you can pull put of it.

Are you stressing about the presentation or is your panic mostly health related?

04-02-13, 21:41
Stressed with this anxiety, stressed with the symptoms I'm getting thinking I've got a brain tumor or something seriously wrong with me.

04-02-13, 21:55
Do you do anything to help yourself manage it? I know how tough it can be to feel completely overwhelmed, but there are steps you can take the help ease some of that pressure.

04-02-13, 22:11
Nope nothing, even when I find myself relaxed, I'm still thinking of my head pressure and I just feel it more because I'm relaxed and not doing anything.

04-02-13, 22:22
Ok, I think you will find some benefit from learning about how anxiety works and what you can do to manage it. You need to do some proper stress reduction, I don't mean chilling out in the evenings after college - I mean learning about how to really reduce your stress levels by practicing different techniques like exercise and meditation.

I can recommend some books/CDs that I've used to help me out, if you wish?

Have you learned any stress relief methods?

04-02-13, 22:47
No, nothing. My Doctor recommended me the book, Mindfulness. I read the first couple of pages and then told me to stick the CD in. I just put the book away and haven't looked at it for about 8 months or so.

04-02-13, 23:15
If you want to get a handle on your anxiety it's time to learn how to help yourself reduce it. It's tough, but ultimately worthwhile and it will only make your life better :)

I read a great book called Toxic Stress by Dr Harry Barry, which explains the effects of stress on the body and talks about how to handle it. It's good to learn how the stress reaction affects your body and mind, perpetuating the anxiety and making you feel worse. There's also a book called When Panic Attacks, I think by Aine Tubridy. Or you can just google it, learn about the chemicals it releases and why you end up feeling the way you do.

When you learn how stress works you can also learn how to combat it. The main aim is to shift the chemicals in your body to the more positive ones that will help you feel good. Getting exercise every day is a good step toward this. Meditation is also incredible for stress, it can really help so don't dismiss it. I've been reading a book called Soul-Centered by Sarah McClean that is a great introduction into how to meditate and it explains the science behind how meditation works and how it helps combat stress.

I also use some guided meditations and even hypnosis CDs to help me chill out - try the book & cd combination called Control Stress by Paul McKenna or Relieve Anxiety with Medical Hypnosis by Steven Gurgevich. Sometimes it's not easy to start meditating by yourself, so a guided one may help you.

All of these are available on Amazon, and you'll probably be able to buy them second hand for a good price. Or if money really is tight then go go YouTube and find some guided meditations on there. The point is to get yourself into a deep relaxation state every day, it will really help you.

Sometimes a quick breathing technique will help - so sit for 5 mins and breathe normally, but breathe in for 7 counts and out for 11 counts. This will help you slow down and relax. You can also simply sit for 10 mins and just focus on your breath.

On YouTube you can look up EFT tapping techniques that will help you deal with panic attacks.

Also, watch what you eat. If you're really worked up then it's time to look at your caffeine and sugar intake. They are stimulants and will only make you feel more worked up. Alcohol and cigarettes can do the same. Never skip meals, especially breakfast!

Spend some time each day doing something you love, being kind to yourself. For example listen to sme of your favourite music, cook yourself something nice or watch a couple of episodes of your favourite TV shows.

Check with your university to see if they have a free counselling service and start talking to someone about how you feel. Or check out if there are any anxiety support groups in your area.

If you have a look around online, and on here you'll find plenty of helpful websites that will explain stress and how it works. It's really important to take action, you are so young with your life ahead of you, there is lots you can do to help yourself out and make life easier for yourself.

I hope this helps a bit and that you begin to feel better x

12-02-13, 05:03
sorry u are haven hard time with head pressure ive had this a lot ..feel free to look at some of my post on it ..tc