View Full Version : Advice please?

04-02-13, 17:40
Hello, so today I've been to a&e once again for chest pains and palpitations, they have done ECG, bloods and chest X-ray. But now I'm still have this sharp pain in my left breast/chest like a stabbing pain it'd really worrying me even tho all these tests came back normal. I have had chest pain before but not like this, thinking maybe its muscular but I don't know, still convinced its my heart!! Any advice please? Thanks.

04-02-13, 19:28
I went to A&E complaining about the same thing as you, the Doctor there & a cardiologist both said when you're having heart pain it will feel as if an elephant is sitting on you, and you will find it very difficult to breathe.
They said sharp stabbing pain is generally not heart pain, but of course, if you're in discomfort then first thing to do is go to Doctors or A&E.

04-02-13, 21:35
yuck. I have been there too. I am still trying to figure out how to accept my heart symptoms (palpitations, racing heart, pressure) are all really anxiety related. I guess it is helpful to know that so many of this on the anxiety forum are dealing with this... logically it just HAS to be anxiety.